Agenda item

Service Delivery Plan - Our Strategic 5 Year Vision


The Corporate Director – Social Services and Wellbeing submitted a report, to present to Cabinet the public consultation feedback for the draft Social Services and Wellbeing Service Delivery Plan – Our 5 Year Vision 2020 - 2025. 


The report also sought approval from Cabinet for the Social Services and Wellbeing Directorate 5 Year Service Delivery Plan and Action Plan.


By way of background, The Head of Adult Social Care, confirmed that the draft Social Services and Wellbeing Directorate 5 Year Service Delivery Plan (2020-2025) is building on the previous ten year Commissioning Strategy for Adult Social Care and the Children’s Social Care ‘Vision into Action, Better Outcomes for Children, Young People and their Families’ document.  These documents have provided essential strategic direction for Social Services and Wellbeing in Bridgend which have, in turn, informed the range of essential transformation programmes that have responded to increasing demand and financial pressures. The updated Service Delivery Plan was attached as Appendix 1 to the report, whilst it’s supporting Action Plan could be found on page 572 of the report (pack).


She continued by stating that, the draft Service Delivery Plan was presented to the Council’s Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 13th February 2020.  The Committee raised some notable observations that have since been added to the Service Delivery Plan, as were included in paragraph 4.1 of the report.


The Head of Adult Social Care confirmed that the draft Social Services and Wellbeing Directorate 5 Year Service Delivery Plan 2020-2025 consultation was launched on 9 March 2020 and was coordinated by the Council’s Consultation and Engagement Department.  A summary of the Service Delivery Plan was created and a survey was developed that consisted of 11 questions.


The survey was also sent to all 1,401 Citizens’ Panel members in the format of their choice, and to 170 stakeholder groups identified by the Social Services and Wellbeing team via an email link. BAVO also shared the consultation with their stakeholders in order to gain feedback on the Service Delivery Plan 2020-2025.


The survey received 297 responses through a combination of online and paper surveys.  The social demographic data of the Citizens’ Panel reflects a good cross section of the county borough’s population and all respondents lived in the county borough.


She confirmed that the ‘headlines’ from the survey respondents, were included in paragraph 4.9 of the report.


Following the consultation process, a report had been put together that provided the findings from the feedback and this was attached at Appendix 2 to the report.


The Head of Adult Social Care, explained further that the Service Delivery Plan was originally drafted in readiness for the consultation process in 2019-20, however the impact of COVID-19 has delayed the progression of the report and as a consequence, many of the financial figures in the plan are based on 2019-20 figures and not the projections from the current financial year, 2020-21.  The figures would be updated accordingly, prior to the Service Delivery Plan being published.  


The Cabinet Member – Social Services and Early Help commended the report, adding that a considerable amount of work had gone into the Service Delivery Plan in addition to that committed to the previous Commissioning Plan.


The Cabinet Member – Wellbeing and Future Generations referred to paragraph 3.6 of the report and asked if the Plan would be majorly affected in any way as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.


The Head of Adult Social Care replied that the pandemic could interfere and/or delay some of the Plans key aims and objectives, however, services, some of which may be newly introduced, may need prioritising as a result of the illness, particularly if the effects of it continue for some time yet to come. She added that Carers, particularly those that worked in Care Homes, had been extremely busy since March 2020 with very challenging and demanding workloads since Covid-19 had emerged. So in summary, though the Plan would be fully delivered this could take longer than was originally envisaged.


The Leader advised that he hoped that the Plan would continue to address people with mental health issues, particularly since Covid-19 had been prevalent, both those of low level and individuals with long-term more complex issues. He also asked if the Regional Partnership Board had been involved in the above work both to date and moving forward, as some of the proposals of the Plan would need to be realigned with the Regional Planning Framework of the Partnership Board.


The Head of Adult Social Care explained that partnership working during the pandemic had been paramount both form an operational and strategic perspective, where workforce planning and the building of opportunities though challenging, were being met. Key priorities discussed with BCBC partners, had included building infrastructure across care homes as well as providing extra beds in hospital for people who had become ill with the virus, whilst still providing adequate care provision for those with other illnesses and ailments. Supporting people with mental health problems had also been discussed and addressed as part of work involved in the partnership process, added the Head of Adult Social Care.


The Deputy Leader concluded debate on this item, by advising that the Plan should also be reviewed periodically as soon as it had been fully established and ‘future proofed’, in order to ensure that its aims and objectives continues to meets citizens needs including any changing ones, moving forward.


The Head of Adult Social Care replied by stating that the Plan would be adapted and would evolve as time progressed, in order to meet any changing needs and demands of both the current and future population within the BCBC and that the new Corporate Director – Social Services and Wellbeing was keen to further develop the Plan in-keeping with this principle. Adult Social Care and Children’s Social Care Remodelling Boards would also inform and update the Plan.         


RESOLVED:                          That Cabinet:


(1)        Noted the feedback provided by the communication and engagement exercise that considered the content and ambition of the Service Delivery Plan as a vision of service improvement.

(2)        Approved the Service Delivery Plan Our Strategic 5 Year Vision 2020 – 2025 as an appropriate strategic document that sets out the Council’s intentions for service improvement for the services provided and commissioned by the Social Services and Wellbeing Directorate;

(3)        Delegated authority to the Corporate Director Social Services and Wellbeing to make any amendments required to the Plan in relation to the financial figures for 2020/21 prior to publication.


Supporting documents: