The Corporate Director – Education and Family Support submitted a report, regarding the latest proposals in respect of the above school.
The report gave some background information, notably that in April 2009, Cabinet approved a number of individual projects that emerged from a feasibility study, which reviewed 3 to 18 learning provision in the Cefn Cribwr, Cornelly, Kenfig Hill and Pyle area. Approval was received to progress a project to cater for a proposed amalgamation of the then Mynydd Cynffig Infant and Junior Schools. Further progress reports had been received by Cabinet from this date up to the present date.
He explained that in November 2019, the Mynydd Cynffig Primary School’s infant site suffered a catastrophic failure of its heating system and the repair forced the temporary closure of the school building.
A subsequent building condition survey reduced the school from its previous condition, that is, “C” to a category “D” (ie ‘Bad – life expired and/or at risk of imminent closure, requiring significant immediate/urgent works’). The nature and assortment of the disrepairs highlighted within the survey made isolated repair works to individual fabric elements at the school extremely challenging and economically unfeasible. As a result of the health and safety risk to pupils and staff, it was agreed that the school building would close and alternative teaching accommodation would be provided as a matter urgency.
Funding was made available through the capital programme to procure temporary accommodation.
The Corporate Director – Education and Family Support, reminded Members that on 30 June 2020, Cabinet approval was received to reprioritise Band B, bringing forward the replacement school scheme for Mynydd Cynffig Primary. Approval was received to submit a revised SOP to WG to reflect this and for officers to commence an options appraisal and feasibility study for the proposed replacement primary school. Paragraph 4.5 of the report, set out a longlist of education options considered for this school.
In terms of the next stage of the business case process, a shortlist of education options had been put forward, namely:
Option 1 Do nothing
Option 2 Refurbishment of the Mynydd Cynffig Primary School infant block, the junior building 'as is'. The school remains on two separate sites (shortlisted – do minimum)
Option 3 New-build extension for the Mynydd Cynffig Primary School infant department on the junior site (shortlisted – do intermediate)
Option 4 New build replacement Mynydd Cynffig Primary School - 2FE plus 75-place nursery provision on the Mynydd Cynffig Primary School junior site (shortlisted – do maximum)
The Corporate Director – Education and family Support, added that the outcome of evaluations indicate that the feasibility study should be progressed on the Mynydd Cynffig Primary School junior site. The study will run concurrently with the Welsh Government business case process. It is anticipated that the ‘do maximum’ option will require the largest landtake and therefore it is this option, a new build replacement Mynydd Cynffig Primary School - 2FE plus 75-place nursery which should be taken through the feasibility stage as the preferred option.
He concluded his report, by outlining its financial implications.
The Cabinet Member – Education and Regeneration felt that the report gave good news in that pupils within this location would be benefiting from short term accommodation for nursery aged children, with longer term aspirations as outlined in bullet point 4 of the reports recommendation.
The Leader stated that he was pleased to see that over £10m capital funding had been allocated for new primary school building at Kenfig Hill, that will enable for the first time, the infants and juniors to be on the same site offering a seamless transition.
RESOLVED: That Cabinet:
• noted the outcome of the education and site evaluation process conducted in respect of the proposed replacement Mynydd Cynffig Primary School;
• approved the shortlist of education options to be considered at Outline Business Case stage, as set out in 4.8 of the report;
• approved the Mynydd Cynffig Primary School junior site be taken forward to the feasibility stage as the preferred site option; and
• approved that the proposed replacement Mynydd Cynffig Primary School be considered through the feasibility study process as the preferred education option ie a 2 form-entry (FE) plus 75-place nursery provision.
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