Agenda item

Updated Corporate Plan 2018-2022 Reviewed For 2020-21, Following Impact of Covid-19


The Chief Executive sought approval of the updates to the Council’s Corporate Plan 2018-2022 reviewed for 2020-21, following the impact of Covid-19 and for Council to adopt the revised Corporate Plan.


He reported that the Corporate Plan 2018-2022, describes the Council’s vision for Bridgend County Borough, the 3 well-being objectives and the organisational values and principles that underpin how the Council will work to deliver its priorities.  He stated that the Plan represented the Council’s contribution to achieving the 7 national wellbeing goals as set out in the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 and its improvement objectives under the Local Government (Wales) Measure 2009. 


He reported that the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic had affected the ability of the Council to progress on the delivery of its well-being objectives set out in the refreshed Corporate Plan.  He stated that it was prudent to revisit the current commitments and targets and refocus the key priorities for the rest of 2020-21.  He set out the proposed changes to the Corporate Plan which included some minor changes to the Council’s commitments as well as some new ones to reflect the key priority areas the Council needs to focus on for the remainder of 2020-21.  He stated that are a number of new success measures in the Plan, as well as current ones, where the targets have been revisited.  Where targets have been reduced as a result of the impact of Covid-19 a rationale had been provided, for example, town centre closure has had an impact on businesses and footfall. 


The Chief Executive informed Council that the Plan will be reviewed annually to take into account changing circumstances and progress made against the well-being objectives and to ensure that the requirements of the Local Government (Wales) Measure 2009 and the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 are met.  The revised commitments and

measures will supersede those commitments and measures set out in the

current Corporate Plan and will become the updated Corporate Plan 2018-2022 reviewed for 2020-21.  He informed Council that delivery will be supported by the Medium Term Financial Strategy and directorate business plans and monitored quarterly through the Corporate Performance Assessment process, directorate management team meetings and the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee and taking into account recommendations made by the Recovery Panel. 


He highlighted the main changes which proposed in relation to the learner outcomes section due to the introduction of hybrid and blended learning and the development of safe school environments.  There will be an increased focus on infrastructure support for businesses to overcome the impact of the pandemic.  In relation to building resilient communities, the Council will work in partnership with Town and Community Councils and community groups to create long term solutions to manage and maintain facilities / services.  In relation to culture and leisure there was a need to rebuild participation by improving accessibility and removing barriers.  Opportunities would be looked at in relation to digital transformation to evolve new ways of working and service re-modelling. 


He informed Council that Cabinet had proposed changes in relation to adding a narrative in relation to vacant premises and free parking and to continue to work with existing and start-up businesses.  In relation to working with Town and Community Councils, the Council will also work with the third sector.  There would also be an additional to work on reducing homelessness and to work with rough sleepers using Welsh Government funding.  The Council will develop a mental health strategy for adults and children.  The Council will also develop apprenticeship opportunities The Leader commended the revisions to the Corporate Plan. 


A member of Council questioned whether the financial impact of the pandemic will have an impact on the number of staff the Council employs.  The Chief Executive informed Council that the financial impact of the pandemic was as yet unknown as it was not known the extent of what would be funded by the Welsh Government.  He stated that the Council had new burdens and there may be a change of roles for staff and new roles.  A covid fund had been created and he was optimistic that the Welsh Government would fund one off costs, but he was concerned at the loss of income to the Council.  He stated that will be working differently and it was not about reducing the number of staff. 


A member of Councill stated that the mental health strategy should also include older people due to the loneliness they have experienced during the pandemic.  The Leader commented that the strategy will cover all adults and children with the ambition for it to be delivered for the health board and the third sector.        


RESOLVED:           That Council approved the updates to the Corporate Plan 2018-22 reviewed for 2020-21 attached as Appendix A and adopts the revised Corporate Plan attached as Appendix B.

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