Agenda item

Updated Corporate Plan 2018-2022 Reviewed for 2020-21 Following impact of Covid-19


The Chief Executive submitted a report, to seek Cabinet endorsement of the updates to the Council’s Corporate Plan 2018-2022 reviewed for 2020-21, following the impact of Covid-19 (Appendix A to the report) and submission of the Revised Corporate Plan (Appendix B), to Council for approval.


The Covid-19 pandemic will affect the ability of the Council to progress on the delivery of its well-being objectives set out in the refreshed Corporate Plan.  It was therefore prudent to revisit the current commitments and targets and refocus the key priorities for the rest of 2020-21. 


Attached at Appendix A to the covering report, was an extract from the refreshed Corporate Plan setting out proposed changes.  This included some minor changes to BCBC’s commitments as well as some new ones to reflect the key priority areas we need to focus on for the remainder of 2020-21.


There are also a number of new success measures in the Plan, as well as current ones, where the targets have been revisited.


The Chief Executive added that new commitments/amendments were set out in red in the refreshed Plan, as were changes to any targets. Where commitments/measures had been deleted, these were shown but were stricken through.


If Cabinet approved the changes in Appendix A, the revised commitments and measures will supersede those commitments and measures set out in the current Corporate Plan and will become the updated Corporate Plan 2018-2022 reviewed for 2020-21 version 2. This was attached at Appendix B to the report.


Delivery of the above, would be supported by the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) and Directorate Business Plans, both of which would be monitored closely in the medium/interim future.


The Leader and Cabinet Member – Wellbeing and Future Generations, suggested some additions/amendments to the revised Corporate Plan and these were reflected in the decision below.


The Chief Executive concluded that the thrust of the Corporate Plan was not necessary to cover all services that the Authority provided, but more to path out the Council’s Improvement Plans, particularly in the face of the pandemic.


RESOLVED:                          That Cabinet endorsed the updates to the Corporate Plan 2018-22 reviewed for 2020-21, attached at Appendix A to the report and agreed the revised Corporate Plan at Appendix B to Council, for approval, with the following caveats:


  1. Appendix A – Wellbeing Objective 1 – Supporting a Successful Sustainable Economy – Priority Area: Growth and Prosperity – Further narrative to be included on work being undertaken to reduce the number of vacant properties in town centres and promote economy to those retail properties presently in business.


     2.     Appendix A – Wellbeing Objective 2 - Helping People and Communities to be more Healthy and Resilient.


       a)  Where reference is made to working in partnership, this be added to by including the 3rd sector, as well as Town and Community Councils and Community Groups.

b)  Adding a provision regarding the work ongoing to support ‘rough sleepers’ to keep them off the streets, as well as the work being progressed to support those who are homeless.




   3.       That a provision be added to the Corporate Plan, with regards to supporting, through the development of a Strategy and accompanying Action Plan, work being progressed with partners, to support the mental health of Adults and Children (particularly in light of the Covid-19 pandemic.)


Supporting documents: