Agenda item

Cross Party Recovery Panel - Phase 1 Findings and Recommendations


The Chairperson of the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee presented a report (on behalf of the Committee) which informed Cabinet of the Phase 1 Findings and Recommendations of the Cross-Party Recovery Panel attached at Appendix A to the report, which had been endorsed by the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee


The report also asked the Executive to note that the work of the Cross-Party Recovery Panel will continue, with regular reviews of the work to help ensure effectiveness and respond to any emerging issues.


The Chairperson of the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee, advised that it was agreed at the meeting of the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 13 July 2020, to establish a Cross-Party Recovery Panel. Membership of the Recovery Panel comprises the 12 Members of the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee plus 4 additional Members: 2 Labour; 1 Independent Alliance and 1 Conservative, nominated by Group Leaders.  The Panel was established with the aim of shaping, informing and advising Cabinet on the Council’s recovery planning to form the basis of the recovery phase for the Covid-19 pandemic.


The Cross-Party Recovery Panel met on six occasions during August and were supported by the Senior Democratic Officer – Scrutiny, two Scrutiny Officers and the Group Manager Legal & Democratic Services.  During its meetings, the Cross-Party Recovery Panel considered presentations from requested invitees including: Public Services Board (PSB) Team Officers; Bridgend Association of Voluntary Organisations (BAVO) Chief Executive, Operational Manager and a Community Navigator; the Corporate Director - Social Services and Wellbeing and the Head of Adult Services; the Director of Bridgend County Care and Repair, and the Head of Partnership Services and Group Manager – Housing.


She added, that in Phase 1, the Cross-Party Recovery Panel has taken a structured approach to the selection of key areas from those identified for priority to feed into the recovery process and has identified key issues following examination.


The Chairperson of the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee, confirmed that on 7 September 2020 the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee received a report on the findings of the Cross-Party Recovery Panel and approved that the recommendations of the Panel should be forwarded to Cabinet as part of the recovery process, in order to feed into the realignment of the Council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy and the Corporate Plan.


The Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee also considered the next steps proposed for the Recovery Panel and considered whether it wished the work of the Panel to continue beyond September.  It was acknowledged that the recovery of the County Borough following the Covid-19 pandemic is a significant and a complex programme that has a key role to play in the economic vitality and community resilience of the county borough and its residents.


The Chairperson concluded her submission, by referring Members to the 16 Recommendations that had been made by the Cross Party Recovery Panel and endorsed by the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee, appended to the report.


The Leader thanked Members of both the above bodies, for the work they had contributed as reflected in the reports Appendix.


The Chief Executive added that the recommendations would be examined in conjunction with the Council’s revised Corporate Plan and Medium Term Financial Strategy going forward. These and other contributory factors would look to shape the Council’s Recovery Plan.


The Leader concluded debate on the item, by assuring that any recommendations that were time sensitive would be looked at by Cabinet and the Corporate Management Board as a matter of priority.


RESOLVED:                              That Cabinet:


(1) Considered the findings and recommendations of the Cross-Party Recovery Panel (Appendix A to the report) which have been endorsed by the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee as part of the recovery process, in order to feed into the realignment of the Council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy and the Corporate Plan going forward and;


(2) Noted that the work of the Cross-Party Recovery Panel will continue and further recommendations will be reported to the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee and Cabinet for approval


Supporting documents: