The Consultation, Engagement and Equalities Manager gave a report, which provided Cabinet Committee Equalities with an update on progress made in delivering the Strategic Equality Plan (SEP) 2016 - 2020 during 2019/2020. This is the fourth and final annual review for this plan, she added.
She explained that, following public consultation the Council’s SEP (2016-2020) was approved by Cabinet on 15 March 2016.
Further consultation with the public and local equality and diversity groups took place back during May and June 2016, in order to develop the action plan which would support achievement of the seven objectives in the SEP over the four year period. Key/ lead officers were consulted regarding the development of meaningful and achievable actions within their respective services. The final action plan was a live document and contained 47 actions. This was approved by Cabinet Committee Equalities in July 2016. The action plan was attached as a background document to the report (at appendix one).
The Consultation, Engagement and Equalities Manager reminded Members, that the Committee had received three updates on progress. Progress during 2016/17 was presented in the meeting in July 2017, progress during 2017/18 was presented in July 2018 and progress during 2018/19 was presented to Members in July 2019.
Referring to the present time, she referred Members to appendix 1 of the report, which detailed progress on the SEP action plan for 2019/2020 and key points regarding this were shown in bullet point format at paragraph 4.1 of the report, in respect of the areas of:
A Member confirmed he was pleased with the progress being made over the last four years in the Strategic Equality Plan and the proposals of its supporting Action Plan for the last/current year. During his term as Mayor up until very recently, he had been involved in his role in a number of engagements as was reflected in the action plan, in the support of Hate Crime and other Awareness Campaigns the Council had been involved in promoting as a local authority.
He noted the support for Syrian refugees within the last four years of the SEP, but stated that he felt that this should now be rolled-out and extended to all refugees.
The Consultation, Engagement and Equalities Manager confirmed that she recognised the need for this to be taken on-board.
In terms of e:learning including on important issues such as raising Hate Crime Awareness, she added that this was also looking to be increased together with the expansion of other e:learning modules and to give e:learning a higher profile, so that staff could be encouraged to become involved in this, with the longer term view possible, of this being built into staff performance reviews.
A Member added that he felt that the Council should advocate First Aiders in mental health wellbeing and awareness, particularly in light of the Covid outbreak, which had placed a lot of added pressure on Council employees, some of which had been adversely affected by this pressure emotionally speaking.
The Consultation, Engagement and Equalities Manager confirmed that she would take this point up with Human Resources and update Members of the outcome accordingly.
A Member referred to page 103 of the report and the development of a systems School Bullying SIMS model which though having been used in-house, this had not been mandated by schools. She asked why this had not yet been used in our schools.
The Consultation, Engagement and Equalities Manager advised that she would link in with the Education Department and feedback to the Member, outside of the meeting.
RESOLVED: That the Cabinet Committee received, considered and noted the report and its attached appendix.
Supporting documents: