Agenda item

Novation of Contracts for Services provided by Bridgend County Crossroads, Caring for Carers


The Corporate Director – Social Services and Wellbeing presented a report, to seek authority to waive the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules in accordance with CPR in respect of the following contracts:


  • the Provision of a Regulated Short Breaks Service;
  • the Provision of a Domiciliary Care Service


Both contracts were awarded to Bridgend County Crossroads following a procurement process for each contract and in accordance with the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules. The details of the contracts were outlined in Section 3. of the report.


The Corporate Director – Social Services and Wellbeing added thatBridgend County Crossroads has been operating under a group structure managed by Carers Trust South East Wales (CTSEW) since 1st August 2019. CTSEW have submitted to BCBC a formal request to novate the two contracts detailed in paragraphs 3.1 and 3.2 (of the report) to CTSEW, to ensure all business and contractual matters come under the parent organisation.


Both contracts have provision allowing the provider to transfer the contract with the consent of the Council.


She explained further, that the two mentioned contracts with Bridgend County Crossroads contain express provision allowing for the novation of the contracts with the consent of the Council. In addition, the Social Services and Wellbeing Department have carried out due diligence on CTSEW and to ensure CTSEW met the requirements of the original criteria for qualitative selection initially established of the respective tenders for both contracts, CTSEW completed and returned the criteria for the initial qualitative selection and it was found that they fulfilled those requirements.


The overall nature of the contracts will not be altered by this novation and all contractual terms will remain unchanged.


The Corporate Director – Social Services and Wellbeing concluded her submission, by advising that there are currently no concerns in respect of the services being provided by Bridgend County Crossroads and therefore it is considered that there are no operational risks in novating the contracts.


The Cabinet Member – Social Services and Early Help supported the report and acknowledged that the thrust of the report was in respect of an administrative change, as opposed to a change in service provision. She further noted therefore, that the report’s proposals would maintain the excellent quality of service that had previously been provided.


The Leader concluded debate by echoing these comments.


RESOLVED:                          That Cabinet:


        Authorised the waiver of the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules to allow the modification of the existing contract with Bridgend County Crossroads Caring for Carers in relation to the provision of a Domiciliary Care Service by consenting to the novation of that contract to Carers Trust South East Wales  in accordance with CPR;

          Authorised the waiver of the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules to allow the Authorises the modification of the existing contract with Bridgend County Crossroads Caring for Carers in relation to the provision of the Regulated Short Breaks Service by consenting to the novation of that contract to Carers Trust South East Wales  in accordance with CPR;

           Delegated authority to the Corporate Director-Social Services and Wellbeing to provide written consent to the novation and enter into a deed of novation for the respective contracts in consultation with the Interim Head of Finance and Section 151 Officer and Chief Officer - Legal, HR and Regulatory Services and to arrange execution of the deed of novation on behalf of the Council, subject to such delegated authority being exercised in consultation with the Chief Officer - Legal, HR and Regulatory Services.


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