The Corporate Director – Social Services and Wellbeing presented a report, the purpose of which, was to provide Members with an overview of the support and continuity planning for our most vulnerable children during Covid-19.
She commenced her report, by paying tribute to the vulnerable children and their families in the Bridgend County Borough, for the way they had positively reacted in what had been to date a very pressurised and at times distressing and difficult year for them due to the pandemic.
The report she felt, reflected a comprehensive assessment of how the Authority worked as a ‘One Council’ when it adapted very quickly last March to the threat of the virus. In accordance with Welsh Government guidance Social Services and its partners continued the safeguarding of the most vulnerable and their families, through largely new digital methods, as face to face contact was in most cases not possible due to Covid-19.
Though most staff supporting clients had to work from home like the majority of other Council staff, the MASH team continued to operate on a reduced team from the office in Ravenscourt, Bridgend.
Paragraph 3.3 of the report, provided in table format data on Children’s Social Care activities during the period from April to September 2020. The data shown in this part of the report, gave a positive picture in terms of the high levels of performance that were maintained in lockdown, in respect of assessments, visits to children (mostly remotely) and holding of Child Protection Conferences within the required statutory timescales.
As alluded to above, the Corporate Director – Social Services and Wellbeing confirmed that the MASH team together with general enquiries staff to answer queries and calls, were office based. There were also remote meetings with children and their families etc, which although serving their purpose, were more challenging than face to face interactions as would be the case in normal pre-Covid circumstances.
Paragraph 3.6 of the report outlined the support avenues in place for vulnerable learners via Education and Family Support Teams and Children’s Social Care, for Members information.
The most recent version of the full Safeguarding Service Plan was attached at Appendix 1 to the report.
In light of the Welsh Government Announcement that a “Circuit Breaker Lockdown” or “Fire Break” would come into force between 6pm, Friday 23rd October 2020 until Monday 9th November 2020, the decision was made to review and update the Children’s Services Service Plan in line with the Guidance that had been issued. An addendum outlining temporary changes in approaches was implemented for this specific period and could be found as an Appendix (to the report).
In addition to the statutory services/functions covered in the Service Plan, the Council also responded to the need to provide support to our most vulnerable children and young people during the school holidays and established bespoke provision to achieve this.
The Social Services and Wellbeing Directorate was able to make good use of Welsh Government funding to provide activities and support during the summer period, explained the Corporate Director – Social Services and Wellbeing. 20 days of activities were provided, supporting 39 young people who were registered or classed as vulnerable, and with 259 sessions provided to young people over the four week period.
Additionally, she advised that a programme was supported for young people with additional needs who would normally have accessed the Discovery Days respite programme during the summer period.
The Chairperson commended the report and she was aware of the casework Officers had been undertaking, since lockdown commenced and the enquiries and referrals Members had also dealt with, particularly with regards to concerns over potential lack of contact between statutory support agencies and LAC. The report however, set out how these concerns could now be allayed and that support has been maintained for our most vulnerable in society, though in a different way to that previously, in light of coronavirus.
A Member asked how Covid-19 and its restrictions had affected LAC’s etc everyday life activities, ie the extent of interruptions to their normal routine as part of everyday life.
The Head of Children’s Services advised, that Foster families and Residential Care support avenues had continued as before Covid and apart from the social distancing restrictions and any interruptions to education, normal routines had applied. There were some restrictions however, that everyone else had also had to face, such as visits to the dentist and GP where PPE equipment had had to be worn for any invasive treatment/procedures.
The Head of Children’s Services added that she was pleased to inform the Committee that statutory reviews for LAC had also been maintained since the end of March and within the relevant timescales also.
RESOLVED: That Members noted the report.
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