Agenda item

Licensing Act 2003: Statutory Review of Licensing Policy


The Head of Regulatory Services presented a report, the purpose of which was to seek approval of Council to adopt the Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy for the period 2015-2020.  Under the Licensing Act 2003, Council is required to publish a Statement of Licensing Policy and review it every three years.  However, this did not preclude further amendments or adjustment if required, to reflect changes in legislation or operating models.


            The Statement of Licensing Policy sets out the policies the Licensing Authority will apply when making decisions on licensing applications and reviews.  The Policy attached at Annex A to the report was prepared in accordance with legislation and Statutory Guidance issued under Section 182 of the Licensing Act 2003.


            The Head of Regulatory Services reported that partner organisations were consulted, primarily the South Wales Police (SWP), and were asked to report on any specific problems in their area, or in particular sectors of the licensed trade which were cause for concern.  A summary from SWP was attached at Appendix 1 to the report.  The report highlighted that during 2013-14 there were 461 licensed premises and 60 registered Members’ clubs within the Borough and the Council had received 206 Temporary Events Notices, with around 1370 persons who held premises licences.


            The Head of Regulatory Services further reported that recent developments had included greater partnership working and sharing of information with key partners, in order to tackle licensing issues, with significant concerns being reported on a monthly basis to Responsible Authority Group meetings with SWP.  This joint working was recognised at the South Wales Police Awards 2012 where the Public Protection Department had received an Award for Safer Bridgend Community Safety Partnership through work carried out in controlling the late night economy in Bridgend, notably violent crime.  This work had resulted in a significant reduction in the number of assaults, with Home Office figures predicting savings of over £1m to the public, with a further £100k in policing costs.


            He informed Members that SWP had made representations that a cumulative impact policy should continue to apply to named town centre streets.  This would result in applications for new premises licences, or club certificates, or variations likely to add to the existing cumulative impact normally being refused, unless the applicant could demonstrate that the operation of the premises would not add to crime and disorder or public nuisance.  He emphasised that this policy would not fetter the discretion of an individual Licensing Sub-Committee to give proper regard to future applications for licences within the town centre for a venue which might not have an adverse impact on the area.


            One Member asked whether crime statistics for other town centres in the Borough could also be reported as a comparison, and queried why the data only covered Bridgend town centre and had not included the hinterland.


            The Head of Regulatory Services advised that the figures were to highlight the need to continue the special policy and at this time, feedback from SWP in relation to the whole of the Borough had not reported any significant issues other than in Bridgend town centre.  However, ongoing meetings were in place so that if any issues occurred in other areas action would be taken, and where necessary, review any problem licensed premises through the licensing process.


RESOLVED:          That Council:


1.      Having regard to the licensing objectives, the guidance issued by the Secretary of State under Section 182 of the Licensing Act 2003 and the evidence supplied by the South Wales Police, approved a special policy in respect of applications received for premises in Wyndham Street, Market Street, Derwen Road and Nolton Street, Bridgend to address the problem of negative cumulative impact of licensed premises, the scope of which was set out in Section 6 of the Statement of Licensing Policy, attached at Appendix A to the report.


2.      Approved the Statement of Licensing Policy attached at Appendix A to the report, and resolved that the Policy take effect from the 5th January 2015.


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