Agenda item

Partnership Arrangement for Dementia Training


The Corporate Director Social Services and Wellbeing presented a report which sought approval to enter into a partnership agreement with the Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board (CTMUHB) with the objective of collaboration to support the health and social care workforce through joint learning and development activity in order to improve the lives of people affected by dementia, which will require a suspension of the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules (CPRs.


The Corporate Director Social Services and Wellbeing explained that BCBC entered into a partnership with Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Health Board (ABMUHB) Region over 10 years ago to support the development and delivery of dementia care training and support to the social care sector. During the transition period of re-alignment from ABMUHB to CTMUHB in 2019-20, BCBC entered into a temporary contractual agreement with CTMUHB agreed via the Scheme of Delegation. She added that converting the temporary arrangement into a formal arrangement gives security in terms of cost and quality and maintain consistency in delivering skills based training to health and social care staff.


The Corporate Director Social Services and Wellbeing explained that the proposed arrangement ensured that collaborative working arrangements were effective, co-ordinated and comprehensive to encourage closer cooperation, liaison and information exchange between the parties. The arrangement would be delivered on a not for profit basis. Further information was at section 4 of the report.


The Corporate Director Social Services and Wellbeing stated that upon Cabinet’s approval, it was intended that the Council enter into a partnership agreement with Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board for the provision of dementia training from 1 st April 2021 for a term of 3 years with the option to extend up to a further 6 months.


The Cabinet Member Social Services and Early Help welcome the report and stated that it was a good service that should continue and the assurance from officers that it was working well was positive to hear.


The Leader added that the service had evolved a great deal since the start of the pandemic and was now delivering the training virtually where possible. While we wanted to see a return to face to face learning when it was safe to do so, it was important to retain some of the virtual aspect of it as it was a more convenient and effective way with engaging with many people.


RESOLVED: That Cabinet:


  • Approved entering into the partnership agreement with CTMUHB in order to bring about the positive benefits for those living with dementia as set out in the report, and suspends the relevant parts of the Council’s CPRs in respect of the requirements relating to the procurement of the dementia training and development provision which CTMUHB shall fulfil;


  • Delegated authority to the Corporate Director – Social Services and Wellbeing, to approve the final terms of the partnership agreement with CTMUHB on behalf of the Council and to arrange execution of the agreement on behalf of the Council, subject to such delegated authority being exercised in consultation with the Chief Officer - Legal, HR and Regulatory Services and Interim Chief Officer – Finance, Performance and Change.


Supporting documents: