We were delighted that, in the wake of the Brackla Hill feasibility study, Cabinet members of Bridgend County Borough Council have publically recognised the value of green spaces to the wellbeing of their residents and communities. Cllr David has recognised “the value of that public open green space to the community of Brackla”, Cllr Smith has acknowledged that his “disposition has always been preserving open spaces” and Cllr Burnett has even gone so far as to say that “the extensive work that has been carried out will ensure the preservation of Brackla Hill as a green open space.”
Article 11.01 of the Council’s Constitution permits the Council to undertake joint arrangements with other bodies in the interests of promoting well-being, these being powers granted by the Local Government Act 2000.
In recognition of these powers, the vital role green spaces play in our emotional and physical well-being, particularly in the height of a global pandemic, and BCBC’s current commitment to not develop on Brackla Hill, does the Cabinet Member agree to follow through with Cllr Burnet’s promise to preserve Brackla Hill as a green open space and immediately begin the process of working with Fields in Trust to legally protect both Brackla Hill and the green open space at Channel View and Foxfields through a Deed of Dedication?
Question by Mr. A Drury
We were delighted that, in the wake of the Brackla Hill feasibility study, Cabinet members of Bridgend County Borough Council have publically recognised the value of green spaces to the wellbeing of their residents and communities. The Leader has recognised “the value of that public open green space to the community of Brackla”, The Cabinet Member – Education and Regeneration has acknowledged that his “disposition has always been preserving open spaces” and the Cabinet member – Social Services and Early Help, has even gone so far as to say that “the extensive work that has been carried out will ensure the preservation of Brackla Hill as a green open space.” Article 11.01 of the Council’s Constitution permits the Council to undertake joint arrangements with other bodies in the interests of promoting well-being, these being powers granted by the Local Government Act 2000.
In recognition of these powers, the vital role green spaces play in our emotional and physical well-being, particularly in the height of a global pandemic, and BCBC’s current commitment to not develop on Brackla Hill, does the Cabinet Member – Communities agree to follow through with the Cabinet Member – Social Services and Early Help’s promise, to preserve Brackla Hill as a green open space and immediately begin the process of working with Fields in Trust to legally protect both Brackla Hill and the green open space at Channel View and Foxfields through a Deed of Dedication?
Response by Cabinet Member – Communities
The Council has recently made a commitment to preserve Brackla Hill as a green open space, as it fully recognises the value of open space to the emotional and physical wellbeing of its residents and communities.
This open space will be afforded protection thorough the Bridgend Local Development Plan (LDP) as it is the principal strategic land use planning document that guides future development within the County Borough. It is also the principle consideration in the determination of planning applications, as planning law requires that the planning decisions must take into account the provision of the development plan.
The Brackla Hill area is already protected in the current LDP and is specifically allocated under Policy COM13(5) – Provision of Accessible Natural Greenspace (including public open space) as well as a number of other key open spaces within the County Borough. Any development on these areas of land will potentially depart from the development plan and would be resisted in planning terms.
The draft replacement LDP is due to be published later this year and will include allocated accessible open space provision based on up to date evidence and open space audits. The plan will be open for public consultation and any comments taken into consideration before the plan is scrutinised by an outside Planning Inspector with a view to eventual adoption in 2022. The provision and importance of open space within communities is outlined in national planning policy i.e. Future Wales 2040 and Planning Policy Wales both of which are material to the emerging plan.
Whilst understanding the Fields in Trust concept, the Council prefers to work in partnership where possible, with Town and Community Councils. Thereby to protect future use, but also to enhance and invest in the provision of amenity at Brackla Hill, the area could be handed over via a community asset transfer to the local Brackla Community Council. The Save Our Fields group may wish to consider approaching the local council in this regards.