The Group Manager – Human Resources and Organisational Development presented a report on behalf of the Chief Executive, the purpose of which, was to seek Council approval for the Pay Policy Statement for 2021/2022. This was in response to legislative requirements and to provide openness and accountability in relation to how the Council rewards its staff.
She explained that the Council had a statutory requirement under the Localism Act 2011, Section 38(1) to prepare a Pay Policy Statement for the new financial year 2021/2022. This Statement needs to be approved and published by 31 March 2021.
The Pay Policy Statement provided the framework for decision making on pay, and in particular decision making on senior pay.
The Group Manager – Human Resources and Organisational Development referred Members to the updated Pay Policy Statement for approval, attached at Appendix 1 to the report.
This had been produced in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, which required all local authorities to develop and make public their policy on all aspects of Chief Officer remuneration. In order to achieve further transparency, reference has been included to the pay of other relevant groups within the policy statement.
Since its introduction on 1 April 2012, the Pay Policy had developed to take account of relevant guidance, legislation and changes to the Council’s senior management structure over recent years. The pay structure relating to this group of staff was at Appendix B to the report, within the Pay Policy, which had also been presented to Council for noting.
The Group Manager – Human Resources and Organisational Development then gave an update on paragraph 6.8 of the attached Appendix in respect of the homeworking allowance and paragraph 8, pay relativities, for Members information.
A Member asked whether or not the Pay Policy captured employer’s mileage claims and what protocols were in place within the Authority, in order to ensure that such claims were both accurate and legitimately made.
The Group Manager – Human Resources and Organisational Development advised that the Pay Policy did not go into any detail with regards to employer travelling expenses. However, there was both guidance and checks and balances in place, in order to ensure that these were completed accurately. Guidance regarding this was also available through on-line expenses system she added. Should a fraudulent claim be made and identified, then this would be taken further with the employee and their manager, explained the Group Manager – Human Resources and Organisational Development.
In terms of any future proposals regarding Job Evaluation and/or Redundancy processes, a Member recognised that some employees had been disadvantaged when compared with others, particularly this last year since the pandemic and home working, in that they had no option but to commit more time to home care management commitments, whether this be for children or older family members. He sought reassurance that these employees would not be disadvantaged in any way, when it came to the Authority looking at potential cases for redundancy, etc.
The Group Manager – Human Resources and Organisational Development gave an assurance that HR policies would be applied in accordance with service needs of the Authority as opposed to other factors as mentioned. She confirmed that adjustments had been made to the Council’s flexitime policy as a result of Covid-19 enabling those who were able to work at home to manage both their contracted hours and any such caring commitments, with each case of these being considered on its own individual merits by management.
RESOLVED: That Council approved the Pay Policy Statement 2021/2022 attached as Appendix 1 to the report.
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