Agenda item

Member Development Programme


The Head of Democratic Services submitted a report, in order to provide the Committee with an update on the delivery of the Council’s Member Training and Development Programme and related activities. The Committee was also requested to identify topics for inclusion on the Member Development Programme and Briefings.


The Group Manager Legal and Democratic Services, reminded Members that the Democratic Services Committee has the following functions and is supported by the Head of Democratic Services in these, as deemed necessary:


                      i.        Review the adequacy of provision by the Authority of staff, accommodation and other resources to discharge Democratic Services functions, and

                     ii.        Make reports and recommendations to the Authority in relation to such provision.


She explained that increasing attention has been given to Elected Member Development. The Local Government (Wales) Measure 2011 directed that local authorities place more emphasis on Member Development.  Members were therefore encouraged to identify their own development needs and participate fully in learning and development activities.


Paragraphs 4 of the report gave details of the Member Development sessions, Briefing sessions and Development Control Committee Training sessions provided since the last meeting of the Democratic Services Committee. Paragraph 4.4 listed future such sessions planned in these areas of training and/or Member Development.


Paragraph 4.7, then gave information regarding E-Learning courses that were available within the Authority,that included information on how many Members had completed these. The take-up for these had been low added the Group Manager Legal and Democratic Services.


Finally, she advised Members that a Member Development session previously requested by the Committee on the subject of Mental Health had not yet been arranged, so this would be scheduled at a future date.


A Member felt that Member Development/Training sessions should now be convened on days where Members were not committed to other Committee meetings, so as to avoid too much remote screen time participation in one day which was tiring when compared to attending meetings previously in the Council Suite non-remotely.

A Member felt it would be useful if Democratic Services Officers contacted Group Leaders and stand-alone Independent Members, in order to identify Members learning needs and requirements, individually speaking.


Members also considered that E-Learning was not an ideal way of receiving training in certain areas, as it was sometimes difficult to log onto the system and navigate through the course to full completion. As most of this was not mandatory, it was felt that Members often did not make time to engage more in this type of training and development, due to other more pressing ongoing commitments. Members felt that E-Learning was not that user friendly and less engaging and personal, due to the absence of a trainer/provider taking the course in person.


A Member added that sometimes Councillors themselves were not fully aware as to areas within which they required training, in order to enhance their knowledge of local government service areas etc, so he felt that perhaps the Corporate Management Board could be approached in order that they could provide suggested topics of training, which would assist Members to this end and help to improve their participation and decision making at key meetings of the Council.


RESOLVED:                          That Committee noted the report and that Officers take forward the above suggestions, in order to future develop and shape further key Member Development/Training programmes. 


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