The Corporate Director – Communities submitted a report, in order to seek Cabinet approval to allocate capital funding to Town and Community Councils, to develop projects in line with the recommendations contained within the report from the Town and Community Council (T&CC) Capital Grant scheme for 2021-22 and Community Asset Transfer (CAT) Fund.
She advised that BCBC has allocated £50,000 for 2021-22 and subsequent years in the approved Capital Programme, to support applications from T&CCs for capital projects.
Applications to the T&CC Capital grant scheme 2021-22 were made available in January 2021, with the deadline for receipt of completed applications of 26 February 2021 being established. Funding of up to £65,427.61 is currently available for grants in 2020-21, as was reflected in paragraph 3.5 of the report.
The £1 million Sports Pavilion Fund originally established in February 2014 to promote the transfers of sports facilities, was re-designated as the CAT Fund and the scope for funding widened under the MTFS 2019-20 to 2022-23 in February 2019, to also include building works on other Council facilities such as community centres and public toilets. In February 2020 the Cabinet also approved that the CAT Fund should further be extended, to include pitch and drainage improvements for playing fields. These measures were designed to ensure that the CAT programme was supported and as many assets as possible could be appropriately maintained, kept open and provide long-term community benefits for residents in any particular location.
The Corporate Director – Communities advised, that to maximise the support that could be provided in 2020-21 as the T&CC Capital Grant scheme was oversubscribed, the CAT Fund was also able to be utilised as applications met the criteria for this fund, which enabled as many projects to be progressed as possible. This resulted in £65,000 being allocated under the CAT Fund for the 4 projects outlined in paragraph 3.8 of the report that had a combined total project value of £140,000.
The report further confirmed, that Cabinet and the CAT Steering Group has, to date, allocated funding totalling £503,327.61 via the CAT Fund, which was summarised in the table in paragraph 3.9 and detailed at Appendix A of the report.
In terms of the present situation, the proposals received for the 2021-22 T&CC Capital Grant allocation were outlined in paragraph 4.1 of the report. More information in respect of these projects and what they entailed, were expanded upon in this section of the report.
In terms of the non-collaborative CAT Projects, further information on these were shown in paragraphs 4.10 and 4.11 of the report.
The remainder of the report, explained the manner by which BCBC intended to develop further its collaborative working arrangements with Town and Community Councils in relation to the Town and Community Council Capital Grant Scheme and Community Asset Transfer Fund. This would allow them to manage and maintain then certain Community facilities going forward, as part of long term sustainable schemes.
The Deputy Leader welcomed a further report in due course, as well as being encouraged to see, that the Council was looking at ways to work closer with Town and Community Councils, with the view of them exploring ways by which, to take over the operation and day to day running of community assets within their area in the future.
The Cabinet Member – Wellbeing and Future Generations concluded debate on this item, by confirming how please she was to see that the majority of projects being pursued were connected to the utilisation of children’s play areas, which was very important as these were places where young people could enjoy themselves in a relatively safe outdoor environment during the time of the ongoing pandemic.
RESOLVED: That Cabinet:-
1. Approved the 9 T&CC projects outlined at paragraph 4.13 based on the allocations detailed which total £108,327.61 (£65,427.61 - T&CC Capital Grant scheme 2021-22 and £42,900.00 – CAT Fund).
2. Agreed to receive a further report in relation to amendments to the T&CC Fund and its future aligned with the 2030 De-carbonisation agenda.
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