The Group Manager Planning and Development Services presented a report, the purpose of which, was to seek the endorsement of the Development Control Committee in proposing that the Council becomes a signatory to the Placemaking Charter Wales.
He confirmed that placemaking is a proactive and collaborative process of creating and managing places that also supported good and effective planning policies. Although the Local Planning Authority may be considered as the main proponent, the placemaking agenda goes effectively beyond the Planning and related functions of the Council and has cross-disciplinary connections to multiple service areas across local government and its related partners, in order to contribute to the effective creation and management of places. Placemaking is seen as a key process to deliver the duties of the Well-Being of Future Generations Act and key corporate priorities/strategies including the Corporate Plan and the carbon reduction aspirations of Bridgend 2030. Furthermore, its multi-disciplinary requirements align well with a one Council approach in carrying out its functions.
The Group Manager Planning and Development Services added, that by becoming a signatory to the Placemaking Charter Wales, the Council will demonstrate its commitment to the placemaking principles and developing and improving its places.
The Placemaking Wales Charter, launched in September 2020, has been developed by Welsh Government and the Design Commission for Wales in collaboration with the Placemaking Wales Partnership. This consists of stakeholders representing a wide range of interests and organisations working within the built and natural environment. The Charter is intended to reflect the collective and individual commitment of these organisations to support the development of high-quality places across Wales for the benefit of communities.
The components of the Charter were summarised in the report and attached to it in full, at Appendix A.
The Group Manager Planning and Development Services, confirmed that signatories to the Placemaking Wales Charter, agree to promote the principles in the planning, design and management of new and existing places, as was detailed in paragraph 4.3 of the report.
This would require a commitment to the principles shown in bullet point in paragraph 4.4 of the report that would cut across a wide range of departments and Council functions, all of which have a role to play in ensuring that new development and supporting infrastructure are informed by placemaking objectives.
Signing up to the Placemaking Wales Charter, would also assist in the design of developments and statutory principles, aims and objectives of the Council’s Local Development Plan (LDP). Supplementary Planning Guidance would also be introduced as a result of committing to the Charter, he added.
A Member felt that as well as there being Officer Champions supporting the Placemaking Wales Charter, there should be a Member Champion too, possible the Chairperson of the Development Control Committee.
RESOLVED: (1) That Members endorsed that Bridgend County Borough Council agreed to become a signatory of the Placemaking Wales Charter.
(2) That the Group Manager Planning & Development Services pursues the above, through the Corporate Management Board and also seeks the approval of Cabinet and Council to commit to the Charter.
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