The Senior Democratic Services Officer – Scrutiny presented the Committee with the proposed draft outline Forward Work Programme (Appendix A) for discussion and consideration; requested any specific information the Committee identified to be included in the items for the next two meetings, including invitees they wished to attend; requested the Committee to identify any further items for consideration on the Forward Work Programme having regard to the selection criteria in paragraph 4.6; and asked the Committee to note that the proposed draft Forward Work Programmes for the Committee would be reported to the next meeting of COSC, with the comments from each respective Subject Overview and Scrutiny Committee, following consideration in their June Committee meetings.
Members of the Committee requested information for inclusion in upcoming FWP reports:
1. Progress of the Bridgend 2030 Decarbonisation Strategy (Ultra Low Emission Vehicles) – 19 July 2021
· Details of where within the county borough we have charging points and what type of charging points are they, how many there are. Also when/where/ how many are going to be provided in the future.
· More information on charging points in terms of connectors for cars, will there be a standard connector e.g. Tesla currently has its own, but cannot be used by other cars.
· Avoidance of duplicating charging points if not standard form.
· Include in the report details of the performance of the 6 or so electric vehicles procured by the Communities Directorate at the start of the pandemic.
2. Update on the Waste Service Contract 2024 – 19 July 2021
· A timeline.
· Ensure the right officers are invited to answer questions.
· Details on in-house option as well, t, and details about recycling costs and income, and recycling plants.
· The introduction of the contract to avoid previous issues between one contract ending and the next beginning e.g. no recycling bags available, changeovers, etc.
· Difficulties of collecting rubbish due to Council managed areas e.g. highways, double yellow lines, parked cars, etc.
· Analysis of related Member referrals over the last 12/18 months, to actually understand the issues, impacts on the existing contract and the lessons learned, to feed into the design of a new contract.
· Provide feedback and updates as the timeline progresses at regular intervals to SOSC3, so that questions can continue to be asked.
· Include information on the procurement of vehicles
3. Changes in External Economic Funding - Economic Development – 29 Sept 2021
· Provide information in relation to the potential implications of coming out of the EU (e.g. BCBC/Caerphilly excluded from some of the funding).
4. Transport Projects in the County Borough – 16 Feb 2022
· Network Rail and Transport for Wales representatives need to be invited to attend the meeting.
· Proposal to put the loop in on the railway line – why has this been delayed.
Details on the review of bus services
5. Confirmation was requested that the Member Development Session regarding: the process for prioritising maintenance of highways, footpaths, street lights, buildings, technology, plus Active Travel will be arranged in October 2021, before the report to Committee on 24th November 2021 regarding: Infrastructure Delivery (including roads, street lights, building and technology).
There were no further items identified for consideration on the Forward Work Programme having regard to the selection criteria in paragraph 4.6, and this could be revisited at the next meeting.
RESOLVED: That the Committee considered and agreed the proposed draft outline Forward Work Programme in Appendix A, identified specific information / invitees the Committee wished to be included in the reports listed above and noted that the proposed draft Forward Work Programmes and any update from the Committee would be reported to the next meeting of COSC.
Supporting documents: