(i) Mayor (or person presiding)
(ii) Members of the Cabinet
(iii) Chief Executive
The morning after the annual meeting I was invited to attend a remote meeting with KPC Youth, this “cuppa and a chat” is a regular get together for them. It was lovely to “virtually” meet all the dedicated volunteers and hear about their current initiatives and was a really positive start to my Mayoral year.
The Deputy Mayor and myself then collected our chains of office in a short private ceremony in the Mayor’s Parlour with my wife (Mayoress), the Chief Executive and the Leader.
As part of Volunteers week, I was invited to visit The Zone in Bridgend town centre. As you are probably aware, this is a family centre that has been set up to support all members of the community, with their volunteers providing support and guidance on a whole range of issues. It was interesting to meet the staff and learn how they have adjusted and carried on during the pandemic. In a similar vein, I also visited the Bridgend Carers’ Centre during Carers week, to meet and say thank you to all the staff who do such an amazing job all year round.
Other events in my calendar included a visit to Parc Slip Nature Reserve on Saturday morning with Iolo Williams who broadcasts live on the BBC and on Monday - lunch with the High Sherriff.
In terms of my charity fundraising, I am in the process of arranging events and have two provisional dates for your diaries:
Saturday 13th August – a tandem skydive with the Mayoress, at Swansea airport and Saturday 18th September – Welsh 3 Peaks Challenge, with hopefully at least 2 minibuses being available for around 20 participants.
If you would like to make a donation in support of my charity fundraising, you can do so by going the Mayor’s page on the BCBC website and clicking on the Charity button - this will then direct you to a donations page. As a reminder, my charities are “Lads and Dads” and “Bridgend Carers Centre”.
Deputy Leader
Work has now started on improving the entrance into Village Farm Industrial Estate at Pyle.
This is being carried out ahead of the planned opening of the estate’s all-new community recycling centre later in the year.
To improve traffic flow, avoid congestion and prevent vehicles from queuing, an all-new dedicated lane for turning into and out of the estate off the A48 is being created.
As part of the works, new traffic lights are being installed, and the road at Heol Mostyn will be resurfaced.
The improvements are expected to take up to 12 weeks to complete and every effort is being made to minimise inconvenience.
When it opens later this year, the new Community Recycling Centre will feature parking bays for 31 cars, on-site queuing capacity for up to 72 vehicles at a time, and easier access with new bypass lanes.
Once they see how easier it is to access and use, I believe people will welcome the new recycling centre, and I am looking forward to bringing you more details very soon.
Cabinet Member – Communities
Members may want to remind their constituents that public consultation is underway on proposals which could see a new onshore wind farm developed on land between the Llynfi and Afan valleys.
Called Y Bryn, the wind farm development has been proposed by the energy companies, Coriolis Energy and ESB.
If successful, this scheme promises to deliver enough clean energy to power more than 125,000 homes.
However, there would also be a significant visual impact as at 250 metres high, the proposed turbines would be the tallest seen so far in the UK.
At this stage, the project involves up to 26 turbines and associated infrastructure such as a battery storage facility, on-site substations and access tracks.
It would be split between two forestry blocks on land owned by Welsh Government and managed by Natural Resources Wales.
It is important to note that this project has not been proposed by either Bridgend or Neath Port Talbot councils, and the final say on whether it goes ahead or not will fall to Welsh Government.
Public exhibitions are underway. One was held last Monday at Maesteg RFC, and a second will take place at Cefn Cribwr Athletic Club between 1pm and 7pm on Thursday 24 June.
A website has also been set up to offer full details about the project as well as information on the various ways in which residents can have their say.
You can find this at W-W-W Dot Y Bryn Hyphen Windfarm Dot Cymru.
I hope that people will make full use of this opportunity to study the proposal in closer detail, ask questions, and have their say.
Cabinet Member – Future Generations and Wellbeing
Members may be interested to know that more than 1,500 people living in the county borough are currently registered as volunteers with the Bridgend Association of Voluntary Organisations.
We have all seen how volunteers have come into their own during the coronavirus pandemic.
Whether it is through welfare calls, shopping for groceries, collecting medicine, giving people a lift people to an appointment or supporting the ongoing vaccination programme, we are all aware of the important role that volunteers have played.
Their contributions were marked recently as part of the 37th annual Volunteers Week, which sought to thank volunteers and acknowledge their efforts to help support our communities.
Volunteers continue to play an important role in all aspects of community life, so this was an opportunity to say ‘thank you’ to them, and to let them know how much we appreciate their help and support.
We remain incredibly grateful for all of their support, dedication and care.
Anyone who wishes to find out more about volunteering opportunities should visit the BAVO website.
Cabinet Member – Social Services and Early Help
The Leader and I recently visited a number of our domiciliary care staff at settings ranging from the Bryncethin Depot and the Glyncynffig facility in Kenfig Hill to new, purpose-built supported living units at Maesteg.
We wanted to thank staff personally for the fantastic work that they are continuing to carry out, and for the important role that they are playing within our local communities.
The visits coincided with a report produced by Care Inspectorate Wales on the domiciliary support service, and I was delighted to see how positive it was.
Inspectors highlighted how everyone they spoke with was complimentary of the care staff, and felt that they provided a service which met their needs.
They praised the clear management structure, the good support and development opportunities that are in place, and the positive feedback from staff who said that they felt valued and supported.
People receiving care and support also told the inspectors how they are confident in allowing care workers into their homes because they follow all hygiene practices.
We are hugely proud of our care teams, and the commitment and dedication that they continue to demonstrate has been reflected in the comments from the people they support.
At any one time, there are around 1,200 users of the service, and with more information available at the council website, we are actively encouraging more people to take a closer look at how they might become a part of the domiciliary support team.
Cabinet Member – Education and Regeneration
Construction specialists Knights Brown are making strong progress on the £6.4m flood defence scheme which will defend Porthcawl from any potential future rise in sea levels.
They have set up a compound on land at Salt Lake and have commenced the first phase of the work, which is focusing on the iconic Western Breakwater.
As the internal structure of the 200 year old breakwater still features its original wooden core, it needs extensive renovation and refurbishment to ensure that it can continue to stand up to the tides and tough maritime weather conditions.
Knights Brown have also commenced upgrading the Eastern Promenade to create improved flood defences between Porthcawl Marina and Coney Beach. The work will then extend into Sandy Bay and as far as Rhych Point, where flood defences and dune protection works will be carried out.
The project will help to secure future development in the Salt Lake area of Porthcawl while keeping more than 500 homes and over 170 businesses safe.
Plans for Cosy Corner are also progressing. Visit Wales is processing a £1m funding application, and the council has agreed to match this with an additional £885,000.
Planned facilities include an all-new stone and glass-clad building offering new premises suitable for retail and start-up enterprises, meeting space for community use, a parade square for the Sea Cadets, an office for the harbour master and changing facilities for users of the nearby marina.
If funding allows, plans are also in place to enhance the scheme with new landscaping, public seating, a children’s play area and a canopy structure capable of providing comfortable outdoor shelter from rain and the sun.
At Cabinet yesterday, approval was given for investment in primary education in North Cornelly and further and higher education in Bridgend town centre.
I’ll bring you further updates as all these projects develop.
Chief Executive
I thought members would appreciate an insight into where we are with the coronavirus vaccination programme.
Latest figures from Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board have confirmed that more than 529,600 vaccines have now been administered throughout the region.
This figure includes almost 318,800 people who have received their first dose, and more than 210,800 people who have received their second dose.
For Bridgend County Borough, it means that a cumulative total of 167,775 vaccinations have now been administered to local residents.
In terms of progress, vaccinations for the first five priority groups have all been completed.
This covers the residents and staff of care homes for older adults, people aged 65 to 80 and over, people who are clinically extremely vulnerable, and frontline health and social care workers.
In addition to this, around 76 per cent of people aged 16 to 64 who have underlying health conditions have been fully vaccinated, and GPs are continuing to complete this priority group.
Unpaid carers who have not yet been vaccinated within their priority groups are being invited to contact the health board to arrange for an appointment, while 89 per cent of people aged 60 and over have been fully vaccinated.
Within the last week, 85 per cent of people aged 55 and over have received their full vaccinations, while the priority group for people aged 50 and over has just passed the half-way mark at 53 per cent complete.
The final priority group covers the remaining eligible adult population.
Appointments for second doses are currently being issued to people aged between 40 and 49, and everyone aged 30-39 has now been offered their first vaccination.
Around 58 per cent of people aged 18 to 29 have also received their first dose, and appointment letters are continuing to be issued.
In other related news, you will have seen that the Delta variant is by now the most common viral strain identified in new cases of Covid-19.
While there is no evidence to suggest that it is more dangerous, the Delta variant is certainly proving to be highly contagious.
It is worth noting that a recent study carried out by Public Health England found the UK’s two main vaccines, Pfizer and AstraZeneca, to be 33 per cent effective against the Delta variant after one jab, and more than 80 per cent effective after a second dose.
This ably demonstrates how important it is for people to fully complete their vaccinations.
Together with our partners, we are reminding people of the importance of not letting their guard down, and of following all rules and procedures to help keep our communities safe.
This is especially significant as people seek to enjoy the summer weather or to celebrate events such as the Euros.
Members may wish to remind their constituents that mobile testing facilities remain available within the county borough, and full details can be found on the Covid-19 advice page at our council website.