The Consultation, Engagement and Equalities Manager presented a report which updated Cabinet Committee Equalities on the All Wales Race Equality Action Plan and consultation.
She provided background on the All Wales Race Equality Action Plan which was at section 3 of the report. She added that the plan was a large complex document at 147 pages with around 64 goals and approximately 340 actions. It covers 13 policy themes and 5 cross-cutting themes.
The Consultation, Engagement and Equalities Manager stated that a public consultation for the Welsh Government Race Equality action closed on 15 July 2021, and the Council Equality team sought responses from Corporate Directors to fully understand the operational implications of implementing the proposed actions before submitting a formal response to the consultation on behalf of the Local Authority.
The Regional Community Cohesion Coordinator highlighted the key areas within the Action Plan at Appendix 1 of the report. He drew attention to the diagram in Appendix 1 which summarised the whole approach towards the development of the REAP and that how the Vision-setting and the Goals fit together. He also outlined Local Government Commitment to Zero Racism and were summarised as follows:
The Regional Community Cohesion Coordinator highlighted the following sections of Appendix 1:
The Chairperson welcomed the report and iterated that Welsh Government had put a lot of work in this as could be seen from the level of detail provided in the report which showed the commitment from them in eradicating racism from Wales.
The Cabinet Member Social Services and Early Help echoed the comments made and said that it was pleasing to see the detail provided and the commitment from Welsh Government. She stated that social care staff were always needed in Bridgend and anything that can be done to encourage ethnic minority groups into our workforce was a welcomed.
A Member stated that there were a large number of complaints being made with underlying racism and this was something that as a society needed to be dealt with. He believed that a race equality commissioner, similar to that of a Welsh language commissioner, would be beneficial in tackling racism throughout the public and private sector.
The Leader welcomed the report and stated that it was a landmark initiative from Welsh Government. There were a significant number of action points to digest and it was important than this report came back to the Committee on a regular basis. He added that as communities across Wales differ greatly, it was important to tailor the plan to be specific to the Bridgend area to ensure the most is achieved from it.
The Consultation, Engagement and Equalities manager agreed that a report in March of 2022 would be beneficial to review the progress.
RESOLVED: That the Committee considered the report and the attached appendices.
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