Councillor Altaf Hussain to the Leader
Leader, we are all responding to competing needs, the environment and future of the planet at the same time as responding to a housing crisis. Can you confirm how you will balance the need to both develop our environment and reduce carbon emissions at the same time as engaging communities about proposed developments which are sometimes poorly thought through?”
Councillor Tim Thomas to the Deputy Leader
Can the Cabinet Member for Resources reveal the levels of litter and detritus across County Borough public highways and how do these levels compare over the last five years?
Councillor Altaf Hussain to the Leader
It was agreed that this question as detailed at Item 14 on the Agenda, be deferred to the next meeting of Council due to Councillor Hussain not being in attendance at the meeting.
Councillor Tim Thomas to the Deputy Leader
Can the Cabinet Member for Resources reveal the levels of litter and detritus across County Borough public highways and how do these levels compare over the last five years?
Each year an independent LEAMS – (Local Environmental Audit Management System) report regarding cleanliness in Bridgend is compiled further to random surveys being carried out by KWT- (Keep Wales Tidy). This report is produced for Bridgend but also compares to national figures as KWT conduct these surveys throughout Wales.
The surveys carried out by KWT grades area’s / streets inspected into categories of cleanliness, A to D, streets grade B and above are the streets considered by members of the public to have an acceptable level of cleanliness.
Therefore the % of streets that score B or above, has become one of the key measurements of cleanliness perception (Higher score being better).
Below is a graph provided by Keep Wales Tidy that records the percentage of streets at or above that accepted level of cleanliness in Bridgend year on year. The last recorded year saw the authority recording its second best score to date. The graph also shows the all Wales recorded average figures for comparison.
Supplementary question by Councillor Thomas
Does the Deputy Leader have any ideas how the Council could support volunteer groups across the County Borough?
The Authority has a very good track record in supporting Community Groups in terms of litter picking, many of which have come forward since the pandemic and this has had a positive impact as it encourages people to go out, improve their health and wellbeing through exercise and meet other people in adjoining communities. There were examples to refer to, such as the ‘Love it Don’t Trash it Campaign.’ The Council had also teamed-up with the Bridgend Ravens for litter picking and recycling purposes.
The Corporate Director – Communities added, that volunteers from communities had come forward as volunteers for litter picking, however, the Council had to provide them with the necessary equipment in order for them to safely undertake this task in conjunction with assistance from key groups, for example “Keep Wales Tidy.” An event was to be held in Wildmill over the next few days, whereby the Council and V2c were heading-up a litter picking campaign on the estates there and to advocate this in other communities in order to keep them cleaner. She added that it was evident through data that litter picking had increased across the County Borough in recent years.
Second supplementary question by Councillor Bridie Sedgebeer
There are often problems that arise in terms of litter through Fly Posting, by groups such as Yes Cymru in particular. Would Council consider removing this graffiti from property and sign posts and then bill the perpetrators accordingly for this.
The Corporate Director – Communities confirmed that the Council would take appropriate action against this and she asked the Member to confirm the location where this had taken place.