Agenda item

Proposed Changes to the JNC Senior Management Structure


The Chief Executive presented a report, seeking Council approval on a proposed amendment to the senior management structure and to commence formal consultation with relevant JNC officers with regards to the proposed JNC senior management structure.


He reminded Members by way of background information, that Council had approved in November 2017 a new JNC Pay and Grading structure.


Further changes and amendments had subsequently been made to this by members, the last being in October 2019, as referred to in Paragraph 3 of the report.


The Chief Executive added that since then, further recruitments had been made in respect of the JNC posts of Corporate Director – Communities, Corporate Director – Social Services and Wellbeing and more recently the appointment of a Chief Officer – Finance, Performance and Change.


He that Members will recall that in the previous report to Council in October 2019, following a review of Human Resources and Organisational Development, the Service was moved to report to the then Head of Legal and Regulatory Services, and consequently that post was re-designated Chief Officer Legal, Human Resources and Regulatory Services.  There was however no change in the grading of this post, notwithstanding however, that the scoring of the post increased. 


In addition to the duties and responsibility of this post, during the Covid-19 pandemic the post-holder has also taken on important and significant additional responsibilities with regard to representing the Council on the multi-agency Regional Strategic Oversight Group (RSOG). This is a high level strategic and corporate role requiring sufficient authority and accountability to make decisions on behalf of the Council rapidly, and deploy resources accordingly. In the case of the Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent recovery and response phase, the postholder also represents the Council on the Cwm Taf Morgannwg Incident Management Team (IMT) whose role included the establishment and implementation of the test and trace and protect programme, close liaison with the Health Board to develop and set up locally testing centres and the vaccination programme and other responses to government advice, guidance and legislation as they emerged.  It has become clear, that these additional responsibilities are not confined to the Covid pandemic and as we reach an endemic phase in due course, there will be an ongoing requirement for someone at a Chief Officer level to fulfil this corporate and strategic function and represent the Council where there is an imminent threat or danger to public safety.  The role requires strong leadership and close corporate working throughout the organisation and alignment with the work of the emergency planning team.


The Chief Executive advised that for the reasons outlined in paragraph 4.6 of the report, including the demands that Covid has placed on local authorities not only past and present, but in the future too, it was considered that a new Policy and Public Affairs Unit should be placed within the portfolio of the Chief Officer Legal, Human Resources and Regulatory  Services. This would necessitate a change whereby it is recommended that the post of Chief Officer – Legal, HR and Regulatory Services, be redesignated as Chief Officer Legal and Regulatory Services, Human Resources and Corporate Policy. The duties and span of responsibilities that the post holder will now undertake (as set out in paragraphs 4.3 to 4.4 of the report) have been re-evaluated within a revised job description incorporating the wider range of responsibilities using the Council’s approved Job Evaluation scheme, and there is a consequent suggested change in the grade to the proposed position as follows: The existing role of Chief Officer Legal, Human Resources and Regulatory Services has a salary range of £81,287 to £86,815.  The proposed role of Chief Officer Legal and Regulatory Services, Human Resources and Corporate Policy has a salary range of £93,626 to £100,149. The additional costs associated with the new post would be met from existing budgets.


Given the change to the portfolio and additional responsibilities there would need to be statutory consultation with the current postholder. This would be led by the Chief Executive and Human Resources and may result in minor changes to the Job Description.


The Chief Executive referred Council to the current JNC structure in the Chief Executive’s Directorate as set out in Appendix A, with the proposed structure set out in Appendix B to the covering report.    


A Member asked when the changes as recommended in the report would be implemented, if it was approved.


The Chief Executive confirmed that this would be from the date approval is given to the creation of the new revised post and the consultation process begins in order to establish the new proposed Policy and Public Affairs Unit.


RESOLVED:                            That Council:


i.       Approved the proposal to redesignate the post of Chief Officer Legal, Human Resources and Regulatory Services to Chief Officer Legal and Regulatory Services, Human Resources and Corporate Policy;

ii.      Authorised the Chief Executive to commence a formal consultation with relevant JNC officers in the Chief Executive’s Directorate and to approve minor amendments to the Job Description;

iii.     Further authorised the Chief Executive to determine the new structure and implement the changes arising from this following the consultation;

iv.    Authorise minor amendments to the Council’s Constitution and the Scheme of Delegation of Functions in relation to references to the portfolio and job title.


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