The Corporate Director Social Services and Wellbeing sought approval to award a Framework Agreement (Stage 1) for the provision of Specialist Supported Living Services to the service providers listed and sought approval to implement a phased procurement of ‘call-off’ tenders (Stage 2) under the Framework Agreement, which formed the final stage of the procurement approach approved by Cabinet in May 2021.
The Corporate Director Social Services and Wellbeing reported that the Stage 1 tender process was commenced to appoint service providers onto a framework for the delivery of high quality and sustainable Specialist Supported Living Services in areas around Bridgend County Borough. The framework agreement will be for an initial period of 2 years, with an option to extend for up to a further 24 months and will enable the Council to enter a Stage 2 procurement process for contracts from framework providers using a call-off tender process. Assessment was based on 80% quality and 20% price. Responses were received from 10 bidders, with 7 bidders demonstrating their commitment to the Council’s quality requirements, 3 bidders did not meet the essential quality criteria and were excluded. As part of the tender process, bidders were required to submit a pricing schedule to provide their hourly rates for delivering daytime care and support (including housing related support), as well as over-night rates for sleep-in and waking-night cover. The framework prices will form the ‘ceiling’ price against which service providers can submit equal or lower prices in each of the subsequent call-off tenders. Call-off tenders will be phased over a 48 month period following award of the framework agreement and in line with the existing end of contract dates for the specialist schemes. Consultation with individuals living at each of the specialist schemes was being undertaken independently by People First Bridgend, in order that providers can fully understand the interests and wishes of individuals when tendering, and will be vital for matching staff to individuals when delivering services.
The Corporate Director Social Services and Wellbeing reported that the estimated value of total spend across all the Specialist Supported Living Services under the Framework was anticipated to continue at current spending levels and will exceed £5m and approval was required to award the framework in line with the Council’s Scheme of Delegation.
The Cabinet Member Social Services and Early Help stated that the Council will have a very strong framework in place with the emphasis on treating individuals with respect and dignity and providing individuals with a home close to their families. The Leader stated that 3 tenders were not progressed further, due to the rigorous assessment process of the tenders received. He commented that the framework agreement offered flexibility to support people with provision as there is a small long term growth of adults with specialist needs.
RESOLVED: That Cabinet:
• Approved the award of a Framework Agreement for the provision of Specialist Supported Living Services for the period 1 November 2021 to the 31st October 2023 (with an option to extend for a further period of up to 24 months), to the bidders listed in Appendix 1, subject to no challenge being received during the standstill period
• Noted that following the successful award of the Framework Agreement, invitation of tenders will be issued implementing the Stage 2 procurement of Specialist Supported Living Services call-off contracts (with the following contract awards to be carried out under the Council’s Scheme of Delegations).