Agenda item

School Modernisation Programme – Mynydd Cynffig Primary School


The Corporate Director Education and Family Support presented a report which apprised on the outcome of the feasibility study in respect of locating a proposed 2 form-entry (FE) plus 75-place nursery replacement Mynydd Cynffig Primary School on the junior site; and sought approval to undertake a statutory process in respect of the proposal.


He reported that Cabinet at its meeting in September 2020 gave approval for a feasibility study to be undertaken on a replacement site for Mynydd Cynffig Junior School.  The feasibility study concluded that the most notable advantage of developing the site is that its entirety falls within the Council’s ownership.  He stated that there is potential to increase the developable area by incorporating adjacent allotment gardens and leased areas, subject to relocating these facilities.  The additional areas could add a potential 1.85 acres to the site, ensuring it is of a sufficient size to accommodate an aspirational 2FE school.  One site is used by the Air Training Corp, which is subject to a lease and a second site, being allotment gardens, occupied by the Pwllygarth Allotment Association under an agreement. 


He stated that restrictive covenants affecting the land will not prevent the development of the new school.  While the registration of a strip of land located between the school building and playing field has now been completed and the Council granted possessory title.  Work is still required to extinguish the highway rights on the land and a stopping up order is necessary and consultants have been engaged to undertake a transport assessment.  He also stated that a site investigation has been undertaken and there are no concerns in relation to the ground conditions and minimal contamination issues.


He reported that officers had identified the need for 60 nursery places, however, there is a need for an additional 15 full-time equivalent (FTE) nursery places to be provided for rising 3’s.  He stated that it was considered that the Mynydd Cynffig Primary School junior site presented an appropriate and beneficial location for development of the proposed primary school.  It allowed for suitable solutions to the critical issues of sufficient developable area and appropriate site access and technical officers are of the opinion that solutions can also be applied to other issues which may be encountered. 


He reported that £10.2m had been allocated in the Capital Programme for this project and the Welsh Government intervention rate is 65%.  The additional 15 FTE places for rising 3’s would need to be funded from capital and would form part of the total project costs.  He stated that the scheme, could generate revenue cost efficiencies as a consequence of moving from multiple sites to a single site.


The Leader commented that the proposal was the single biggest investment in education in Kenfig Hill and he looked forward to hearing the comments of all stakeholders on the plans for the replacement school, which would be subject to consultation.  He thanked the governors and senior leadership team of the school for their commitment to the project.


RESOLVED:           That Cabinet:

·      noted the outcome feasibility study; and

gave approval to commence a statutory consultation process to enlarge Mynydd Cynffig Primary School to a 2FE school, plus a 75-place nursery to be located on the junior site and open with effect from September 2025.             

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