Agenda item

Member Induction Programme 2022


The Interim Democratic Services Manager presented a report which outlined the proposed Member Induction Programme for 2022 for the consideration by the Committee.


He explained that Member training and development is required by the Local Government Act 2000, Local Government (Wales) Measure 2011 and the Council’s Elected Member Learning and Development Strategy which was approved by Council in July 2021. He added that following the Local Government Elections in 2022 there will be a number of new and returning Elected Members. An Induction Programme was an important development opportunity as it enabled Members to quickly become familiar with how the Council works, including rules and procedures under which it operates, the complexities of the Elected Member role,  as well as helping them to integrate quickly into the Council following their election.


The Interim Democratic Services Manager alerted Members to the 3 phases at section 4 of the report which had been discussed at the last Committee meeting.


Attached at Appendix 1 of the report was the full proposed Member Induction Programme for 2022. It should be noted that the draft programme, by its very nature and timescale, contained some dates/times and draft content which were indicative to an extent and therefore,  could be subject to  some modifications.


He added that following the election process, and to support the member induction programme an information pack would also be provided when they sign the Acceptance of Office. This will include useful information such as core policies and procedures, timetable of meetings and useful Council and its partners contact numbers. It was proposed that the Programme also include events where Members will be able to meet officers to find out more about the Council’s services as well as other new, and returning Members.


A Member asked if greater emphasis could be placed on the budget setting process, the Council’s finances and why the Council holds reserve funds. He believed that there was not enough knowledge among existing Members on the above and that new Members joining would also benefit from having a better understanding on this. He added that in addition to this, Member briefing sessions would also be a good avenue to pursue.


The Chairperson mention that the financial sustainability topic was not scheduled until June 2022. She asked if this was suitable timing or if it should be delivered earlier than this.


The Interim Democratic Services Manager explained that the front end of the induction programme was essential and somewhat time bound. He explained that once Committee membership was set at the annual meeting of Council, there was a requirement to ensure Members were correctly trained before sitting on Committees, particularly the likes of Licensing, Development Control, Governance and Audit Committees and the Appeals Panel. He added that the induction programme was in draft format and subject to change, so there may be changes made to ensure topics were arranged in a more appropriate order, including being supplemented with other training and development sessions, if and when this was deemed necessary.


RESOLVED:                        That the Committee considered the report and provided its views as expressed above, on the draft Member Induction Programme for 2022.


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