The Corporate Director Communities reported on progress on the potential purchase of Bridgend Town Centre Police Station at Cheapside with a view to support the aspirations of Bridgend College to relocate their main campus to the Town Centre, and approval was sought to progress with the acquisition.
The Corporate Director Communities reported that officers had been authorised by Cabinet in June 2021, to progress discussions with South Wales Police on the acquisition of the current Bridgend Town Centre Police Station via the Welsh Government Estate Co-location & Land Transfer Protocol. Officers were also authorised to pursue and accept grant funding from WG to support the initial acquisition and future demolition of the current Police Station building. Grant funding had been secured to support the acquisition and demolition of the site, with the aim of the Council leasing the site to Bridgend College, enabling its relocation from the Cowbridge Road campus to the town centre. The value of the land had been set by the District Valuer as £650k, with all parties concurring with the valuation. The contract for sale includes a leaseback agreement to SWP for 12 months, to sufficient time to prepare newly developed offices at their Headquarters site. Officers are continuing to work with SWP to help identify and progress a smaller satellite office within the Town Centre to accommodate a day-to-day police presence.
The Corporate Director Communities informed Cabinet that the proposal for a town centre College campus will bring much needed vibrancy to the town centre, increasing footfall, public realm improvements and a net carbon zero environment for learners. She highlighted the financial implications to the Council for the first phase of the project.
The Cabinet Member Education and Regeneration thanked officers for their work in progressing the scheme and he thanked the Governors of Bridgend College for their enthusiasm for the project, which will see further and higher education being delivered in the town centre, with facilities for the public and a performing arts space being developed. He stated that the risk of the Council not buying into the project was high on the College’s risk register and he hoped that the proposed acquisition of the police station site would turn the risk to green on the College risk register.
The Cabinet Member Social Services and Early Help commented on the positivity of the development as a town centre regeneration project but stated that caution needed to be exercised so that town centre residents are not impacted negatively especially regarding car parking. She sought assurances that the construction phase of the college would not impact negatively on residents. The Corporate Director Communities informed Cabinet that considerate methods of construction would be looked at so that groundworks such as times for the driving of piling would be constrained. She stated there would be a public communication campaign to inform the public. She also informed Cabinet that parking permits are being trialled and this would continue, the College would also promote active travel, using trains and buses. Bus routes would be reconfigured, being routed to Cheapside.
The Cabinet Member Communities requested detail on the proposed height of the college building, in order to allay the fears of the public. The Corporate Director Communities stated that it was premature to be looking at the proposed height of the building, but there was a possibility that it could be 4 to 5 storeys in height, stepped from the front to the rear. Architects had yet to be commissioned by the College, but there would be a need to ensure that it fitted into the existing landscape. She stated that Cabinet would be informed of the proposals once the feasibility had been concluded.
The Leader hoped that a high-quality design would be at the heart of the project, which would offer the best facilities to learners. He commented on the outstanding new learning facilities which the College had delivered at its Pencoed campus, which had a real impact on the learning experience and this had to be the same aspiration and vision of the town centre campus. He also commented on the structure of the lease arrangement and its importance on the police having a town centre presence. The Deputy Leader stated that the project represented an important stepping stone for the future and that it was a good day not only for Bridgend town centre, but for the County Borough to provide lifelong learning opportunities.
RESOLVED: That Cabinet:
· Noted the progress that had been made in connection with the proposed acquisition of the current Bridgend Town Centre Police Station at Cheapside and the regeneration proposals to create a new Bridgend College Campus at the site.
· Authorised officers to complete the legal documentation and transaction to acquire the SWP site at Cheapside Bridgend in accordance with WG Estate Co-location & Land Transfer Protocol.
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