What percentage of local roads and highways are unadopted?
What percentage of local roads and highways are unadopted?
Based on the calculation of the total length of unadopted roads as compared to the overall Highway network linear measurement the percentage of unadopted roads in Bridgend is less than 1% (0.08%).
Please bear in mind that this figure is based on data compiled in 2018 and is a very high-level calculation, however, what is clear is that in comparison to the overall highway network is very low.
Supplementary Question by Councillor T Thomas
There does remain a small percentage of unadopted roads that give rise to certain issues for residents living in these areas. I’m aware that in the Pencoed location of the Valleys Gateway area, there are roads that have been unadopted for decades. Therefore, what is the Strategy of the Council for adopting these long term unadopted roads, especially in areas where site developers are no longer trading, due to perhaps having gone into liquidation or possibly for other reasons.
The Cabinet Member – Communities advised that he had been working with our two MP’s and the local Member for Bryncoch, looking at the issue of unadopted roads, including in the Valleys Gateway areas. However, it remains a requirement of the site developer to ensure roads are brought up to an adoptable standard, as if this falls onto the BCBC, then the stretch of road in question, becomes the liability of the local authority. Welsh Government have introduced an Unadopted Road Fund and BCBC have been successful in bidding for an apportionment of these monies, resulting in works being carried out at a street in Porthcawl, to bring this up to an adoptable standard then subsequently being adopted by the Council. Unfortunately, the level of funding that is available is not going to be able to financially support the adoption of the number of unadopted roads that there are in the BCB, nor Wales as a whole, so the Council are going to have to consider how best to address the issue of unadopted roads in its overall area. Should Members have any queries with regards to unadopted roads within their Wards, he urged them to approach him personally with regards to these.
The Corporate Director – Communities made the point that there were only a small number of classed highways in the County Borough that had not been brought up to an adoptable standard. There did remain quite a number of unadopted roads, however, these were in the main areas that did not front housing developments, but were more side or rear lanes etc, as opposed to main roads, where there was not any significant flow of vehicular traffic. She reiterated the fact that we do have Welsh Government funding to adopt unadopted roads and to introduce these areas into the main highway network and trials have began in respect of this. There were instances where site developers were developing housing estates within different areas of the County Borough, however, the roads serving these developments could not be brought forward for adopting, until such time that the developments were fully completed with the roads serving them being of an adoptable standard. She wished to stress however, that these areas were small when compared to the overall length collectively of roads that linked up all areas within Bridgend and its wider areas, which were regarded as maintainable. It was not a large percentage in comparison. It was important to ensure that all roads that served a high level of traffic were adopted, in order to ensure a smooth and effective flow of vehicles travelling throughout the County Borough. The Council would also continue she added, to bring up to adoption some residential streets, out of the Welsh Government funding allocation.