The Corporate Director Communities presented a report which was to consider the inclusion of a small area of additional land, comprising the existing cricket nets, store and a small parcel of land to the rear of the pavilion at Newbridge Fields, Bridgend, as part of the renewal of the lease of the Bridgend Town Cricket Club Clubhouse and Pavilion to the Trustees of Bridgend Town Cricket Club.
She explained that Bridgend Town Cricket Club (BTCC) currently occupy their Clubhouse and Pavilion by virtue of a 21 year lease that commenced on the 1st September 1998 at a peppercorn rent. The land included in this lease was shown edged red on the plan attached at Appendix A.
The Corporate Director Communities advised that the existing lease expired on 31st August 2019 and BTCC is currently holding over under the exact same terms of this expired lease. Under the terms of the lease, BTCC were responsible for the construction of the Clubhouse and Pavilion. This development was partially funded by a Sportlot grant which required that the changing facilities were made available to other sports clubs during the winter months for winter sports use.
Initial negotiations for the grant of the renewal lease commenced some time ago and were finalised in late 2019. During these negotiations BTCC requested that the land on which their cricket practice nets are located and a small area of additional land for storage purposes to the rear of the pavilion were included in the renewal lease. The inclusion of this additional land in the renewal lease provides the Council with an opportunity to regularise the situation and increases the total area of land to 0.2789 acres (1,128 square metres). This is shown edged red on the plan attached at Appendix B. Further background was at section 3 of the report.
The Corporate Director Communities explained that terms were agreed with the Trustees of BTCC and delegated powers notice CMMPS-20-014 (dated 1 January 2020) authorised the renewal of the lease of the Bridgend Cricket Club Clubhouse and Pavilion at Newbridge Fields, Bridgend to BTCC.
She advised that Cabinet will be aware that it is proposed that an individual strategy is developed for the future management of the wider Newbridge Fields site. This is one of the sites that the Council has identified that is extensively used as a public park by members of the general public in addition to providing formal sports facilities (pavilions and playing fields). As a result, due to the size of the sites, public usage, the number of clubs involved, and/or need for improvement / development the Council has determined that alternative options in addition to the standard Community Asset Transfer to sports clubs should be considered with individual strategies being developed for each site following option appraisals.
The Cabinet Member Communities asked for clarification on the arrangements surrounding the new lease and that it was the same conditions, just for additional land to be included. The Corporate Director Communities confirmed this.
The Cabinet Member Education and Regeneration believed that Newbridge Fields was a valuable asset to Bridgend town and that included the cricket club and it was important that the partnership with them was successful and ongoing.
The Leader commented on the Community Asset Transfer (CAT) process and how it was evident on the success that was possible from it as seen with Bridgend Cricket Club,
RESOLVED: That Cabinet having considered the Report and the lack of valid objections received in response to the Notices published in accordance with Section 123(2A) of the Local Government Act 1972 authorised the inclusion of the additional small area public open space comprising the land utilised for the cricket nets and the small area of land to the rear of the existing Cricket Club Pavilion in the renewal lease to Trustees of Bridgend Town Cricket Club.
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