Agenda item

Public Space Protection Orders


The Chief Officer – Finance, Performance and Change presented a report which sought Cabinet approval to consult with the Police, the Police and Crime Commissioner and other relevant bodies in relation to:


  • The extension of the existing Public Space Protection Orders (PSPO) relating to control of alcohol


  • The extension of the existing PSPO relating to the restriction on access to public space in the area between Talbot Street and Plasnewydd Street, Maesteg


  • The extension of the existing PSPO relating to Dog Control


  • Varying the control of the alcohol area in Bridgend to include the area known as the play park on Quarella Road, Wildmill


  • Noting that following the consultation, a further report will be made to cabinet for a decision on extending and varying the PSPO


The Chief Officer – Finance, Performance and Change explained that the existing PSPO in Bridgend County Borough was enacted on 18 June 2019 and relates to control of alcohol, restriction of access to public space and dog control. It expires on 18 June 2022. A PSPO remains in place for three years unless discharged by the local authority. More details on PSPOs were outlined in section 3 of the report.


The Chief Officer – Finance, Performance and Change stated that any additional PSPO, or a variation or extension to existing PSPOs, a consultation must take place. Details were at section 4 of the report.


She stated that if approved, the consultation would begin on 7th February 2022 and continue for a 12 week period. The consultation would seek views on the following:


  • extension of the current PSPO relating to alcohol control in Caerau, Pencoed, Porthcawl, Maesteg and Bridgend on identical terms


  • extending the PSPO that restricts access between Talbot Street and Plasnewydd Street, Monday to Saturday between 17:30 on one day and 09:00 on the next and on Sundays and all bank holidays for 24 hours.


  • extension of the current PSPO regarding dog control in Bridgend County on identical terms.


  • The non-extension of the PSPO relating to restricting access between Wesley Street and Lloyd Street, Caerau.


Further details on the PSPO were at section 4 of the report with the current order attached at Appendix 1, a map indicating the extended areas at Appendix 2 and the current order relating to dog control attached at Appendix 3.


The Cabinet Member Communities welcomed the report and believed that many residents particularly in his ward would have great interest in the public consultation due to many issues that had arisen during the pandemic. The Leader commented on PSPOs being a useful tool in tackling antisocial behaviour and reviewing them was important to ensure any changes were made that reflected the needs of the areas where they were implemented.


RESOLVED: That Cabinet gave approval for a public consultation to approve the proposed extension of the Public Space Protection Order as outlined in paragraph 4.3 of this report, specifically:


·         The extension of the current PSPO relating to alcohol control in Caerau, Pencoed, Porthcawl, Maesteg and Bridgend on identical terms.

·         Extending the area covered by the current Bridgend PSPO relating to alcohol control to include the area known as the play area, Quarella Road, Wildmill, Bridgend.

·         Extending the current PSPO that restricts access between Talbot Street and Plasnewydd on identical terms

·         Extension of the current PSPO regarding Dog control in Bridgend County on identical terms.


Cabinet also noted that, following the consultation, a further report would be made to cabinet for a decision on extending and varying the PSPO.

Supporting documents: