Agenda item

School Modernisation Programme - Bridgend North East


The Corporate Director Education and Family Support presented a report which sought approval to commence a statutory consultation process to make a regulated alteration to enlarge Ysgol Gymraeg (YG) Bro Ogwr to a 2.5 form entry (FE) school, with a 90-place full time equivalent nursery plus an 8-place observation and assessment class on land off Ffordd Cadfan. The proposal would come into effect from the beginning of the autumn term 2025.


He explained that Cabinet approval was received to progress an on-site feasibility at Brackla Hill in respect of the preferred education option for the Bridgend North East scheme. Having considered the technical complexities and potential costs associated with the development of the school at Brackla Hill, Cabinet determined to discount that site from any future consideration in respect of YG Bro Ogwr and gave approval for officers to consider alternative options for the replacement school.


He added that in November 2021, Cabinet received a joint report from the Director of Education and Family Support and the Director of Communities, which detailed the outcome of a feasibility study in respect of the land off Ffordd Cadfan and confirmed the site’s suitability for development. At the same meeting Cabinet approval was received to proceed with the acquisition of the site. Further background was at section 3 of the report.


The Corporate Director Education and Family Support stated that in order to enlarge Ysgol Gymraeg Bro Ogwr (ie proposed 2.5 FE, 90-place full time equivalent nursery places plus an 8-place observation and assessment class), the School Organisation Code requires that a consultation exercise with the school governing body, staff, parents, pupils and interested parties is undertaken. This is the first step in the statutory process. If carried through to completion, it is currently anticipated that this proposal will come into effect at the beginning of the autumn term 2025. The consultation document will set out the implications of the proposal. Following this period of consultation, a further report on the outcome of the consultation would be submitted to Cabinet to consider the result of that process. Cabinet would then need to decide whether to authorise the publication of a statutory notice. If such a notice were issued, it would invite formal objections during the statutory 28-day period. Further information was at section 4 of the report.


The Cabinet Member Education and Regeneration welcomed the report and stated that it was an ambition of BCBC but required the views of people in Bridgend by way of consultation and this was an important part of progressing this. He believed that it was important to have a 21st century Welsh Medium school and this location was a suitable option to serve the areas that were in need.


The Leader added to this stating that there was a growing need in the north east of Bridgend for additional places and this would be a major expansion of the number of places available. He hoped that the consultation would have full engagement to ensure the views of residents were heard.


RESOLVED: That Cabinet gave approval to commence a statutory consultation process to make a regulated alteration to enlarge YG Bro Ogwr to a 2.5-FE school, with a 90-place full time equivalent nursery plus an 8-place observation and assessment class on land off Ffordd Cadfan. The proposal would come into effect from the beginning of the autumn term 2025.

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