Agenda item

School Modernisation Programme: Outcome of the Consultation on Schools' Modernisation Programme Proposal to Enlarge Mynydd Cynffig Primary School


The Corporate Director Education and Family Support reported that Cabinet at its meeting in October 2021, considered the outcome of the feasibility and approved the commencement of a statutory consultation process to enlarge Mynydd Cynffig Primary School to a 2 Form Entry school and a 75-place nursery to be located on the junior site and open with effect from September 2025.  Accordingly, consultation exercises were carried out between 30 November 2021 and 12 January 2022 in accordance with the statutory School Organisation Code. 


He reported that the consultation document invited views and opinions to be submitted in respect of the proposal and Cabinet would need to consider the consultation report and determine the preferred way forward.  He stated that should Cabinet proceed with the proposal, the next stage would be to publish a statutory notice outlining the proposals, which would need to be published for a period of 28 days and any formal written objections would be invited during this time.  He informed Cabinet that if there are no objections during the public notice period then the proposal can be implemented with the approval of Cabinet. If there are objections at this public notice stage, an objections report will be published summarising the objections and the authority’s response to those objections. He stated that Cabinet would need to consider the proposal in light of objections and could then accept, reject or modify the proposal.


The Cabinet Member Education and Regeneration in commending the recommendations stated that the proposals had been revisited because of concerns expressed at the consultation.  He stated that the new facility proposed will be great for Kenfig Hill and he thanked all who had taken part on the consultation, which had helped shape the future of the development of the existing Mynydd Cynffig junior school.  He also stated that discussions are continuing with the allotment holders and Air Training Corp to ensure their needs are met.  He commented on the sustainability of the proposal in that for the first time, the school will be located on one site, which will benefit staff and pupils. 


The Leader commented that the proposals had been met with genuine enthusiasm when he along with the Cabinet Member Education and Regeneration and Chair of Governors and one of the Ward members had visited the school.  He stated that school will feature 2 all-weather sports pitches and would also benefit the wider community.  He referred to the concerns expressed by Parents for Welsh Medium Education that the impact on the Welsh Language had not been addressed with the increase in places to be available at Mynydd Cynffig.  He stated that the Council will enlarge Welsh medium provision in that cluster with the proposed expansion of Ysgol y Ferch o’r Sger and the proposals for a seedling school in Porthcawl.  The Corporate Director Education and Family Support commented on the importance of the proposals for the enlargement of Mynydd Cynffig working for the community.  He stated that the Council is committed to providing very strong Welsh and English medium education in the cluster with its proposals for Ysgol y Ferch o’r Sger and the seedling school, in Porthcawl.  He informed Cabinet that the proposals for Ysgol y Ferch o’r Sger will be state of the art facility with surplus spaces at the school and he did not anticipate any detriment to the provision of Welsh medium education.


RESOLVED:            That Cabinet:


·   Noted the outcome of the consultation with interested parties as detailed in the consultation report and appendices attached to the covering report;

·      Approved the consultation report for publication; and

·      Authorised the publication of a public notice on the proposal.           


Supporting documents: