The Chief Officer – Finance, Performance and Change presented a report, the purpose of which, was to seek approval of the Council's Corporate Plan 2018 to 2023 reviewed for 2022 - 23. The revised plan was attached at Appendix A to the report.
The Corporate Plan for the period 2018 to 2023 describes the Council's vision for Bridgend County Borough Council, it’s three well-being objectives and our organisational values and principles that underpin how BCBC will work to deliver their priorities.
The Plan represents the contribution to achieving the seven national Well Being goals as set out in the Well-being of Future Generations Wales Act and BCBC’s improvement objectives under the performance duties of the Local Government and Election Wales Act 2021. This latter piece of legislation places new performance and governance duties on local authorities. Evaluation of performance was now a continuous organisation wide self-assessment of how effectively a local authority is operating, not only in terms of meeting its objectives, but how it is delivering its functions, using its resources and governing itself.
The Plan before Members was the final one for this five-year period.
The Chief Officer – Finance, Performance and Change, confirmed that between October and November 2021, the Corporate Plan has been refreshed for the coming financial year and has been discussed with Corporate Directors and Heads of Service throughout the authority. This has enabled officers to consider any emerging priorities as part of the Covid 19 recovery and renewal work, to take account of any external regulator feedback and to streamline the commitments and performance indicators to ensure a strategic focus on achieving the Council’s well-being objectives.
In addition, the outcome of the ‘Fit for the Future’ consultation undertaken in December 2021, has helped to shape where efforts should be concentrated going forward. People have placed importance on recycling and waste, highways and infrastructure improvement and community facilities, including parks and being outdoors over the last 12 months. Priority areas identified include support for older people, tackling food poverty and homelessness. Also, further efficiencies identified include continuing to streamline processes, rationalise the number of offices and encourage our citizens to take more responsibility themselves.
The well-being objectives, aims and strategic priorities within the Plan remained unchanged. However, some commitments have been revised and performance indicators to measure outcomes had been agreed. Targets have been set for 2022 - 23 where possible, although the ongoing pandemic continues to impact on the availability of data to set some meaningful targets.
The draft Corporate Plan was considered by the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee in January, she added.
The document replaces the current Corporate Plan.
Progress against the Plan will be monitored through the corporate performance assessment process. Performance challenge will also take place at Directorate Management team meetings and twice yearly at the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee
The Chief Officer – Finance, Performance and Change, concluded her report, by adding that in accordance with the performance duty of the Local Government and Elections Act, the Council’s Governance and Audit Committee now has a role in the assessment of performance and governance, which included amongst other areas, assessment of performance of our Well-being objectives as set out in this Corporate Plan.
The Leader thanked the Corporate and Overview Scrutiny Committee for their input into the Corporate Plan and he asked the Chief Officer – Finance, Performance and Change, if the updated Plan had reflected any comments the Committee had previously made.
The Chief Officer – Finance, Performance and Change, advised that targets of the Plan and performance level aims and objectives were now directed more strategically than previously had been the case. The updated Corporate Plan had last been considered by the above Committee in January, where its Members’ had agreed in principle with it.
The Cabinet Member – Future Generations and Wellbeing was pleased to see how the Corporate Plan had evolved and changed shape over the years, with it now being more succinct and engaging over this period. She drew Members’ attention to page 25 of the papers, which showed the income generated by the local authority, where it could be noted that Council Tax only contributes to 19% of the Council’s income. This part of the report also showed where Council committed its overall resources, she added.
The Cabinet Member – Communities referring to page 26 of the report, also pointed out that the above level of income did not even cover the costs associated with the budget that was spent on County Borough schools alone.
The Leader concluded the debate by adding that the aims, objectives and outcomes of the updated Corporate Plan, could only be achieved through sound partnership working with other key agencies and stakeholders. For example, the Police, Cwm Taf Morgannwg Health Authority and the Public Service Board, amongst others.
RESOLVED: That Cabinet endorsed the Corporate Plan 2018-2023 reviewed for 2022-23 and recommended it to Council for approval on 23 February 2022.
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