Agenda item

Porthcawl Waterfront Regeneration: Placemaking Strategy and Programme Update


The Corporate Director Communities reported on an update on the Porthcawl Waterfront Placemaking Strategy and on the outcomes of the public consultation completed and sought approval of the draft placemaking strategy document.  She also reported on an update on the Porthcawl Waterfront Regeneration Programme and sought endorsement on the next steps required to bring forward individual projects that form part of the Porthcawl Waterfront Regeneration Programme.


The Corporate Director Communities reported that the placemaking strategy provided a framework for future phases of development and would be used to inform the next steps taken in the programme.  Significant progress had already been made in relation to several key projects that represent the first phases of the regeneration and intended to act as a catalyst for future phases.  Work was also ongoing in relation to bringing forward other Council led investment and regeneration within Porthcawl.  One such project being the refurbishment and enhancement of the Grand Pavilion.  Works to complete the improvements to the existing Eastern Promenade and Western Breakwater sea defences continue to progress on site.  While planning consent for a multi-purpose development consisting of a play area, public community space, commercial units, harbourmaster office and toilet / changing facilities has been granted at Cosy Corner, which would be progressed to tender the construction of the project.


The Corporate Director Communities also reported that Aldi Stores Limited had been appointed as the successful bidder for the development of a new food retail store on the North western portion of Salt Lake Car park. Construction was due to commence on site this summer with a view to the store opening in the summer of 2023.   Detailed design work had been completed on the proposed Metrolink bus terminus to be located on the eastern side of the Portway, enhancing linkages to Pyle and facilitating improved public transport.  The Porthcawl Compulsory Purchase Order was submitted to Planning and Environment Decisions Wales and confirmation was awaited as to the procedure the order will follow.


The Corporate Director Communities reported on the emerging themes and opportunities arising from the consultation stage on the placemaking strategy.  The consultation included a two-day public exhibition, attended by more than 1000 members of the public.  She stated that the consultation reflected the continued levels of public interest in the future of the Porthcawl Waterfront Regeneration Area.  Officers had investigated the potential for amendments, in response to the consultation to ensure the nature and scale of the development identified within the draft placemaking strategy, responded to the concerns and aspirations of the public. 


The Corporate Director Communities delivered a presentation to Cabinet on the Placemaking Strategy, illustrating the site layout.  Key revisions had been made in response to the consultation, namely a 200 metre long and 70-metre-wide linear park; enlarged Dock Street extension, and a third reduction in residential development land on Salt Lake.  She highlighted future development areas, namely, the identification of up to 1100 homes at Salt Lake central, Salt Lake north, Sandy Bay West and Sandy Bay east.


The Corporate Director Communities highlighted the recommended next steps, namely:


  • Approval of the draft Placemaking strategy;
  • Business case for the delivery of development across Salt Lake sites;
  • Options appraisal on delivering a leisure development on Salt Lake South;
  • Feasibility study for a multi-Storey car park on the existing Hillsboro Car Park site;
  • Further public consultation on the potential design of public realm and community spaces;
  • Development brief for residential led development on the area of Salt Lake North;
  • Development brief for the residential led mixed use of Sandy West and Sandy Bay East and;
  • Progress the advertisement of the appropriation of land at Sandy Bay.


The Cabinet Member Education and Regeneration thanked the Regeneration team and local members who he had met last week to discuss the Placemaking Strategy and to the public who participated in the consultation.  He stated that the before and after maps had demonstrated that feedback had been taken into consideration, namely the reduction in numbers of housing on Salt Lake.  He stated that where housing would be delivered there would also be permeability and boulevards.  He informed Cabinet that the Eastern Promenade will be greener, wider, and pedestrianised, while the Metrolink will create transport linkages to and from Porthcawl.  There would also be provision for car parking and the creation of squares and piazzas.  He stated that there would also be an opportunity for a hotel with potential for conferencing, which would tie in with the redevelopment of the Grand Pavilion.


The Cabinet Member Wellbeing and Future Generations stated that the regeneration proposals were exciting and would attract visitors to Porthcawl from further afield and she thanked officers for making amendments to the Placemaking Strategy as a result of the consultation.  She asked for details on the time scales and deliverability of the regeneration proposals.  The Corporate Director Communities informed Cabinet that work on the Aldi store and Metrolink would commence later this year.  She highlighted the importance of undertaking works to Dock Street and the sea front park and infrastructure work to allow development to take place.  She stated that an owners agreement was in place for the Coney Beach site, which would then be sold for redevelopment.  The Corporate Director Communities informed Cabinet that momentum will be seen as the sea park and Dock Street proposals are laid out.  Capital receipts from the Aldi store and leisure development would go towards infrastructure.  She stated that she would come back to Cabinet on the detail of timescales.  The Cabinet Member Wellbeing and Future Generations commented on the importance of the boulevard being progressed so that the public can access it.  The Corporate Director Communities informed Cabinet that a start on the Cosy Corner proposals would be made later in the summer to avoid a detrimental impact during the summer. 


The Leader Stated that at the heart of the proposals is the investment in the Sea Front Park and the extension of Griffin Park which was the largest investment made by the Council in Porthcawl.  He was delighted to see a commitment to net zero carbon with the Metrolink and the residential development to be built and the proposals for the parks will bring about biodiversity.  He thanked the Cabinet Member Education and Regeneration for his leadership on the regeneration proposals and for championing the proposals.  He also thanked the regeneration team for their part in bringing forward the regeneration proposals.  He could not wait to see the development taking place on site and stated that the redevelopment proposals were ambitious but realistic.


RESOLVED:           That Cabinet:


  1. Noted the progress that has been made with respect to various projects that form part of the wider Porthcawl Waterfront Regeneration Area (PWRA) programme.


  1. Approved the draft placemaking strategy and authorise the Corporate Director -Communities to (subject to such amendments as the Council’s Corporate Director-Communities may authorise) publish a final copy of the placemaking strategy, for the purposes of establishing a coherent framework to guide the delivery of future development within the PWRA.


  1. Acknowledged that the following steps will now be undertaken to further progress the delivery of key projects within the PWRA:


           Prepare business cases for delivery of development on Salt Lake central residential site, Hillsboro Car Park and Salt Lake South Leisure Site.


           Complete an options appraisal to determine the optimum route to deliver a commercially deliverable leisure development on the Salt Lake South Leisure Site.


           Commission a feasibility study to explore potential capacity and design options for a Multi Storey Car Park on the existing Hillsboro Car Park site.


           Engage in further public consultation on the potential design and use of new and extended areas of public realm and community space identified within the placemaking strategy.


           Prepare a development brief for the delivery of residential led development on the area of Salt Lake north that lies immediately to the east of the food retail site.


           Prepare a development brief for the delivery of residential led mixed-use development across Sandy West and Sandy Bay East in line with the principles outlined within the draft placemaking strategy.


           Progress the advertisement of the appropriation of land at Sandy Bay in line with the previous authorisation provided by Cabinet on 20 July 2021.


That the Corporate Director - Communities will report back to Cabinet to provide updates and seek any further authorisations required in order to progress development within the PWRA.  

Supporting documents: