The purpose of the report was to seek Council approval for the appointment of Overview and Scrutiny Committees and such other Committees, Sub-Committees, Panels and bodies as the Council considers appropriate, to deal with matters which are neither reserved to full Council nor are executive functions.
The report attached the following supporting Appendices:-
Paragraph 4.12.1 of the report, outlined some other information in relation to the Council’s Constitution, which the Monitoring Officer expanded upon for the benefit of Council.
RESOLVED: That Council :-
(1) Appointed the Overview and Scrutiny Committees and such other Committees as the Council considered appropriate to deal with matters which are neither reserved to the Council nor are executive functions;
(2) Determined the size and terms of reference for those Committees as set out in Appendix 1 of the report;
(3) Determined the allocation of seats to political groups in accordance with the political balance rules as set out in Appendix 2 of the report;
(4) Determined which political groups represented at Council are entitled to make which appointments of Overview and Scrutiny Committee Chairpersons;
(5) Received nominations and appointed Councillors to serve on each of the Committees, Panels and other bodies (as indicated), as attached as an Appendix to these minutes:-
• Appeals Panel
• Appointments Committee
• Governance and Audit Committee
• Democratic Services Committee
• Development Control Committee
• Licensing Committee
• Licensing Act 2003 Committee
• Town and Community Council Forum
• Subject Overview and Scrutiny Committee 1
• Subject Overview and Scrutiny Committee 2
• Subject Overview and Scrutiny Committee 3
• Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee
(6) Received nominations and appointed the Chairpersons and Vice- Chairpersons of the following Committees, Panels and other bodies (as indicated), with it being noted that the Governance and Audit Committee at its first scheduled meeting will appoint a Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson, from its Lay Members:
• Appeals Panel – Chairperson – Councillor H Bennett and Vice-Chairperson – Councillor E Caparros (both unopposed)
· Appointments Committee – Chairperson - Councillor HJ David and Vice-Chairperson – Councillor J Gebbie – (both unopposed)
• Democratic Services Committee - Chairperson – Councillor T Thomas (unopposed)
• Development Control Committee - Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson
Two nominations were received for the appointment of Chairperson of the Development Control Committee, that were both duly moved and seconded, namely Councillor RM Granville and Councillor M Williams.
A vote was therefore conducted, the result of which was as follows:-
Councillor RM Granville
Councillors H Bennett, JP Blundell, E Caparros, R Collins, HJ David, Colin Davies, P Davies, M Evans, N Farr, P Ford, J Gebbie, R Goode, RM Granville, H Griffiths, S Griffiths, M Hughes, M Jones, M Kearn, W Kendall, M Lewis, J Llewellyn-Hopkins, JC Spanswick, JH Tildesley, G Walter, H Williams, R Williams, E Winstanley = 27 votes
Councillor M Williams
Councillors S Aspey, A Berrow, F Bletsoe, S Bletsoe, Chris Davies, D Harrison, D Hughes, RM James, P Jenkins, M John, J Pratt, E Richards, R Smith, I Spiller, R Penhale-Thomas, T Thomas, A Wathan, Alex Williams, Amanda Williams, I Williams, M Williams, T Wood = 22 votes
RESOLVED: That Councillor RM Granville be appointed as Chairperson of the Development Control Committee for the ensuing year, to May 2023.
Two nominations were received for the appointment of Vice-Chairperson of the Development Control Committee, that were both duly moved and seconded, namely Councillor H Griffiths and Councillor M Williams.
A vote was therefore conducted, the result of which was as follows:-
Councillor H Griffiths
Councillors H Bennett, JP Blundell, E Caparros, R Collins, HJ David, Colin Davies, P Davies, M Evans, N Farr, P Ford, J Gebbie, R Goode, RM Granville, H Griffiths, S Griffiths, M Hughes, M Jones, M Kearn, W Kendall, M Lewis, J Llewellyn-Hopkins, JC Spanswick, G Walter, H Williams, R Williams, E Winstanley = 26 votes
Councillor M Williams
Councillors S Aspey, A Berrow, F Bletsoe, S Bletsoe, Chris Davies, D Harrison, D Hughes, RM James, P Jenkins, M John, J Pratt, E Richards, R Smith, I Spiller, R Penhale-Thomas, T Thomas, JH Tildesley, A Wathan, Alex Williams, Amanda Williams, I Williams, M Williams, T Wood = 23 votes
RESOLVED: That Councillor H Griffiths be appointed as Vice-Chairperson of the Development Control Committee for the ensuing year, to May 2023
Two nominations were received for the appointment of Chairperson of the Licensing Committee & Licensing Act 2003 Committee, that were both duly moved and seconded, namely Councillor M Lewis and Councillor I Williams.
A vote was therefore conducted, the result of which was as follows:
Councillor M Lewis
Councillors S Aspey, H Bennett, A Berrow, JP Blundell, E Caparros, R Collins, HJ David, Colin Davies, P Davies, M Evans, N Farr, P Ford, J Gebbie, R Goode, RM Granville, H Griffiths, S Griffiths, M Hughes, M Jones, M Kearn, W Kendall, M Lewis, J Llewellyn-Hopkins, J Pratt, JC Spanswick, G Walter, H Williams, R Williams, E Winstanley = 29 votes
Councillor I Williams
Councillors F Bletsoe, S Bletsoe, Chris Davies, D Harrison, D Hughes, RM James, P Jenkins, M John, E Richards, R Smith, I Spiller, R Penhale-Thomas, T Thomas, JH Tildesley, A Wathan, Alex Williams, Amanda Williams, I Williams, M Williams, T Wood = 20 votes
RESOLVED: That Councillor M Lewis be appointed as Chairperson of the Licensing Committee & Licensing Act 2003 Committee, for the ensuing year, to May 2023
• Licensing Committee & Licensing Act 2003 Committee - Vice-Chairperson – Councillor R Williams (unopposed).
• Town and Community Council Forum – Chairperson Councillor HJ David - Vice-Chairperson – Councillor J Gebbie (both unopposed)
(7) Received nominations and appointed the Chairpersons of the following Overview and Scrutiny Committees in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 4.3 of the report, as follows:
• Subject Overview and Scrutiny Committee 1 – Councillor Alex Williams (unopposed)
• Subject Overview and Scrutiny Committee 2 – Councillor F Bletsoe (unopposed)
• Subject Overview and Scrutiny Committee 3 – Councillor P Davies (unopposed)
(8) Approved the appointment of the four Lay Members to serve on the Governance and Audit Committee for a term of office, as outlined at paragraph 4.2.3 of the report.
(9) Approved the amendments to the Constitution as set out via tracked changes in Appendix 1 (to the report) to reflect the revised composition of the Subject Overview and Scrutiny Committees, the Governance and Audit Committee and Appointments Committee;
(10) Noted that the recruitment and appointment of replacement Registered Representatives will be undertaken in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 4.4.1 of the report.
Supporting documents: