Agenda item

Corporate Risk Assessment 2022-23


The Committee:


· Considered the Corporate Risk Assessment 2022-23 (Appendix A)

· Noted that Corporate Management Board has agreed to discontinue the Incident and Near Miss Reporting Procedure.


The Chief Officer, Finance, Performance and Change reported on an updated Corporate Risk Assessment 2022-23 and an update on the Incident and Near Miss (non-health and safety) occurrences.


The Chief Officer, Finance, Performance and Change informed the Committee that the Corporate Risk Assessment had been reviewed in consultation with the Corporate Management Board.  It identified the main risks facing the Council, their link to the corporate well-being objectives under the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015, and the likely impact of these risks on Council services, the wider County Borough.  It also identified what is being done to manage the risks and who is responsible for the Council’s response.  The risk assessment is aligned with the Medium Term Financial Strategy.


The Chief Officer, Finance, Performance and Change informed the Committee that two new risks had been added to the Corporate Risk register and there are currently 14 risks on the Corporate Risk Register.  Of those risks, 7 are scored as high, 5 risks are scored as medium, and 2 risks are scored as low.  She stated that Risk SS-2019-01 has been updated to reflect the improvement plan implemented by Social Services and the appointment of a new Corporate Safeguarding Officer.


The Chief Officer, Finance, Performance and Change reported that an audit by SWAP Internal Audit Services had recommended that the Incident and Near Miss Reporting Procedure be discontinued as it presented an unnecessary and inappropriate layer of control and very few incidents had been reported over the years.  This view had been supported by the Corporate Management Board and it had agreed that the Incident and Near Miss Reporting Procedure be discontinued on the understanding they are managed at a Directorate level as opposed to a corporate level.  She stated that if there are particular risks the Committee would like more information on if it could be planned ahead and the relevant officers would attend Committee to answer issues the Committee may have on managing risks.    


A member of the Committee asked if the risk scores were as could be up to date as possible due to the fast-moving situation of the cost-of-living crisis and the rate of inflation increasing and implications it has on the Council and on workforce demands, especially within Social Services.  The Chief Officer, Finance, Performance and Change stated that risks are updated as soon as possible, however escalating inflation has impacted on the Council’s ability to deliver on key schemes.  Officers will endeavour to ensure that risk scores remain valid and they would be revisited by officers if it was felt they did not reflect the current position.  The Committee requested that information be provided to the relevant Overview and Scrutiny Committee that the assurance and review of risks scores is ongoing.  The Committee requested that officers be given sufficient time to prepare responses.            


A member of the Committee asked, given that the authority was 9 months into the new corporate procurement strategy, what actions had been implemented since the enactment of the strategy.  The Chief Officer, Finance, Performance and Change stated that information would be provided in writing to the Committee on the actions enacted within the Corporate Procurement Strategy. 


A member of the Committee referred to the action list and asked whether the responsible officers could be listed along with projected dates for completion and for actions to be based around metrics to judge whether mitigating actions have been carried out.  The Chairperson requested that a Task and Finish Group be set up to monitor and agree a framework of key risks and mitigating actions being taken by officers on the Risk Register.  


A member of the Committee expressed concern that near misses and incidents are discontinued and that incidents could be missed.  The Chief Officer, Finance, Performance and Change stated that near misses will continue to be monitored and recorded through Directorate management teams and if it continues to be a risk would be recorded on the Directorate’s risk register.      


A member of the Committee referred to infrastructure action plans being high risk and showing as being completed are the right action plans in place.  The Chief Officer, Finance, Performance and Change stated that it is being managed, however inflation and supply chain issues have impacted on the Council’s schemes and are being monitored. 


A member of the Committee questioned how often the Risk Register is updated.  The Chief Officer, Finance, Performance and Change informed the Committee that the Risk Register is reviewed quarterly and is brought to the Committee regularly. 


RESOLVED:           That the Committee:


· Considered the Corporate Risk Assessment 2022-23 (Appendix A)

· Noted that Corporate Management Board has agreed to discontinue the Incident and Near Miss Reporting Procedure.

Supporting documents: