Agenda item

The United Kingdom Shared Prosperity Fund


The Corporate Director Communities reported on an update United Kingdom Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) and sought approval to authorise Rhondda Cynon Taff County Borough Council (RCTCBC) to be the ‘Lead Local Authority’ for the Cardiff Capital Region for the submission to UK Government of a Local Investment Plan for the Cardiff Capital Region (CCR) for the delivery of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.  She also sought  authority to submit to Rhondda Cynon Taff County Borough Council the Bridgend County Local Investment Plan information (as at July 2022) for delivering the Bridgend County UKSPF funding allocation to feed into the development of the CCR Local Investment Plan submission to UK Government.  Authority was also sought for the Corporate Director Communities, in consultation with the Chief Officer – Legal, and Regulatory Services, HR and Corporate Policy, Chief Officer – Finance, Performance and Change and the Corporate Director – Education and Family Support to negotiate and enter into a CCR regional funding agreement with RCTCBC acting as lead authority and to enter into any further deeds and documents which are ancillary to the agreement or that are necessary to deliver the UKSPF . 


The Corporate Director Communities reported that following the withdrawal of the UK from the European Union, the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) is the UK Government’s replacement for the European Structural Investment Funds.  The Fund is a key part of the UK government’s Levelling Up agenda, forming part of complementary funding, including the Levelling Up Fund and Community Ownership Fund.  The primary aim of the fund is to build pride in place and increase life chances across the UK. Underpinning this aim are three investment Priorities: communities and place; supporting local business and people and skills.


The Corporate Director Communities reported that local authorities within the CCR had been invited to collaborate and feed into one regional Local Investment Plan for CCR that sets out proposals to deliver the UKSPF to March 2025 and as part of this process, it was proposed that RCT Council performs this role.  She stated that each local authority will have flexibility over how they deliver UKSPF and that a mixture of options is available, namely: competitions for grant funding; procurement; commissioning, and in-house provision.  She highlighted an overview of the proposals, based on 

information and guidance currently available and as information and guidance evolved and further detail is provided, proposals may change. 


The Cabinet Member Regeneration thanked the Corporate Director Communities and the Team for bringing some exciting proposals to Cabinet and commented on the importance of working with partners. 


The Cabinet Member Education asked whether the Council had lost funding because of the UK’s withdrawal from the European Union.  The Corporate Director Communities stated that the Council had previously been successful in securing European Structural Investment Funds and whilst the Council had secured funding of £23m from the Shared Prosperity Fund, it was believed that overall, the Council had 45% less funding, but would nevertheless have to work accordingly with its partners and at a regional level.  The Leader was deeply disappointed for the residents of the County Borough at the loss of funding.  The Cabinet Member Communities hoped that funding would be secured for the Grand Pavilion at Porthcawl and Penprysg road bridge, which were part of a wider levelling up programme. 


The Corporate Director Communities stated that the schemes, many of which involved green spaces, had been developed in the absence of detailed fund guidance from the UK Government and as such are subject to change. 


The Deputy Leader commented on the need for schemes to be delivered across the County Borough, notably in the smaller communities.  The Corporate Director Communities stated that funding can be used to regenerate smaller centres and the fund enables officers the opportunity to think creatively.


RESOLVED:          That Cabinet:

•Agreed that Rhondda Cynon Taff County Borough Council assume the role of the ‘Lead Local Authority’ for the UKSPF for the Cardiff Capital Region.

•Delegated authority to the Corporate Director Communities to submit to Rhondda Cynon Taff County Borough Council the Bridgend County Borough Local Page 86 Investment Plan information (July 2022), Appendix 1, for delivering the Bridgend County UKSPF funding allocation to feed into the development of the CCR Local Investment Plan submission to UK Government. If amendments are required prior to 1 August 2022 as a result of further information and guidance from UK Government that impact upon finances and/or legal procedures these are to be agreed in consultation with the Chief Officer – Legal, and Regulatory Services, HR and Corporate Policy and Chief Officer – Finance, Performance and Change.

•Delegated authority to the Corporate Director Communities, in consultation with the Chief Officer – Legal, and Regulatory Services, HR and Corporate Policy, Chief Officer – Finance, Performance and Change and the Corporate Director – Education and Family Support to negotiate and enter into a CCR regional funding agreement with RCTCBC acting as lead authority and to enter into any further deeds and documents which are ancillary to the agreement or that are necessary to deliver the UKSPF.

           Subject to the internal governance requirements of the Council agreed that the Economic Partnership and Economic Programme Board be involved in the local governance and oversight of the UKSPF programmes within Bridgend County Borough.         

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