Agenda item

Porthcawl Waterfront Regeneration: Appropriation of Land at Griffin Park and Sandy Bay


The Corporate Director Communities presented a report informing Cabinet of the representations received in response to the advertisement of the proposed appropriation of land at Griffin Park and Sandy Bay to support the Porthcawl Waterfront Regeneration Scheme. The Corporate Director Communities also asked Cabinet to consider the representations received as a result of the public notices and the officers’ responses to those representations, and for Cabinet approval to proceed with the appropriation for planning purposes of the land at Griffin Park and Sandy Bay as outlined in red on the Appropriation Plan in order to facilitate the delivery of the Porthcawl Waterfront Regeneration Scheme.


The Corporate Director Communities explained the background to the proposals including details of the consultations undertaken. She outlined the land to be appropriated, the process of appropriation and discussed the public need for the existing use and the proposed planning use. She explained how the intention to appropriate the land was advertised and outlined the representations received and officers’ comments in response to the issues raised. She explained all financial considerations would need to be considered on a project by project basis and further reports would be brought back to Cabinet and/or Council in connection with any future planned disposal/development of the appropriation land and wider regeneration area. 


The Cabinet Member for Communities thanked the Corporate Director and officers for the report and the explanation of the process. He added that there had been a recent visit with other Councillors and officers to the site concerned so that they could fully understand the proposals. This was not about reducing the amount of open space and the loss of Griffin Park but an extension to double the size of what was there now. The area alongside the Hi Tide Car Park, the old Monster Park was a resource that was not currently being maintained and this would become part of Griffin Park and would help them to comply with the Well-being of Future Generations Act. There were some slight amendments to the original plans and one was the creation of a 200m long linear path along Salt Lake which was the equivalent of 2 football pitches. He added that he looked forward to seeing the end result.


The Deputy Leader seconded the report and added that she was looking forward to seeing more detailed plans. She did not understand some of the technical data in the considerable amount of information provided to the Cabinet Members and by members of the public opposing appropriation. She was pleased to be able to participate in the walk and to be able to visualise the space. Having only received emails against the plans, she was pleased to hear that some residents were in support. Porthcawl was looking particularly shabby and there had been no significant investment for many years so to ensure that Porthcawl remained a tourist destination and to ensure the viability of Porthcawl remained for many years to come in all weathers, this was a really good proposal.


The Leader added that this was a part of a series of developments in Porthcawl and the work on the Eastern Promenade had already had a positive impact on the appearance of that area. 


The Cabinet Member for Resources thanked the Corporate Director for the lengthy and comprehensive introduction.  He recognised the numerous emails he had received objecting to the proposals and added that he had not read anything in those emails to affect his decision making. He asked for clarification regarding the distinction between the local authority as landowner and as the Local Planning Authority, also he asked if there was any right of appeal against the decision they would be making. The Corporate Director Communities replied that as part of the Local Government Act 1972, as a Council they could appropriate land and there was no appeal against that decision. With regard to the authority being both landowner and the Local Planning Authority, as landowner they would require the benefit of a detailed planning approval, the same as any other landowner. 


The Cabinet Member for Regeneration thanked the Corporate Director and her team for the report.  She was really excited as there were lots of opportunities for local residents for both job prospects and leisure activities.


The Leader asked for confirmation that the planning context for both sites was in place, not just in this current Local Development Plan, but also in the predecessor Unitary Development Plan. The Corporate Director Communities confirmed this was correct.


The Leader added that he was mindful that they had responded to the public consultation for public open space and the linear seaside path was an addition and the centre piece to the development. He confirmed that a session had been arranged for the relevant scrutiny chairs and that they valued the interest and input from local members.   


 RESOLVED:      Cabinet:

·      considered the representations received in response to the advertisement of the proposed appropriation of land at Griffin Park and Sandy Bay and officers’ responses to those representations set out in Appendix 5.

approved the appropriation for planning purposes of the land at Griffin Park and Sandy Bay outlined in red on the Appropriation Plan (Appendix 1)

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