Agenda item

Replacement Local Development Plan Submission Document


The Corporate Director – Communities submitted a report, in order for Council to consider the Deposit Plan Consultation Report Summary Document (Appendix 1 to the report) and the proposed submission version of the Replacement Local Development Plan (RLDP) as amended following public consultation (Appendices 2 and 3) and to agree the amended RLDP be submitted to Welsh Government and Planning and Environment Decisions Wales (PEDW) for independent examination.


She advised, that the LDP Strategy covers the period 2018 to 2033 and is one of the most important strategies this Council will prepare to address the key challenges of a growing population and to ensure the long-term resilience of the County Borough.


It had been developed over 4 years since 2018 and has gone through two extensive public consultations in 2019 and in July 2021 and a Scrutiny Session on the preferred strategy, prior to the pandemic.


It had also been prepared with a detailed evidence base which is summarised in paragraph 4.4 of the report.  This included a number of important appraisals including Sustainability and Health Impact Assessment.  It was also based on over 40 supporting documents which detail information on areas such as Transport Assessments, Economic Studies, Retail Assessments, a Green Audit and Demographic Studies. These outlined the Corporate Director – Communities, were all critical to ensure BCBC were developing in line with the Wellbeing of the Future Generations Act.


The Corporate Director – Communities reminded Members, that there was still a process to be undertaken. The LDP whilst having been through a number of public consultations, would if approved today, then progress to Welsh Government where an independent Planning Inspector will be appointed to hold an Examination in Public.  Therefore, the LDP its policies, plans and supporting evidence would be scrutinised on a national scale and the public, developers and Members should they desire, can attend the Examination and make representations.


She further added, that the Planning Inspector if content with the Plan after the Examination in Pubic, will then refer it to the Minister for approval. Following this, it would be referred back to BCBC for adoption. This could be next summer should it be approved today.


In terms of why the LDP was so important explained the Corporate Director – Communities, was because an up-to-date Local Development Plan (LDP) is an essential part of a plan-led planning system in Wales and a statutory duty for all local authorities to discharge.


It sets the framework to ensure that the planning system contributes towards the delivery of sustainable development in a co-ordinated manner, enabling a wider, problem-solving outlook than would be possible by dealing with local issues in isolation.


Therefore, without an up to date LDP, it would become progressively difficult for the Council to focus on integrating and addressing multiple land use concerns, resulting in the local planning process becoming fragmented, un-co-ordinated and reactive.


Within the LDP there is provision for over £116m of financial contributions from developers to deliver the plan and should we not have a new adopted LDP we would not be able to lever these contributions.

It was also important to note Bridgend population was also rapidly growing, in comparison with other neighbouring local authorities in Wales


The Corporate Director – Communities confirmed that the existing Bridgend LDP (up to 2021 was now out of date), so the material weight attached to the this and its evidence base had progressively diminished now that the original plan period has concluded. Some of this evidence was prepared over a decade ago & cannot be relied upon to justify planning decisions to the same extent that it was.


Therefore, inaction will place the Council in an increasingly tenuous position, open to challenge from the development industry, and there will be ongoing implications for rational, co-ordinated and consistent planning decisions across the County Borough. This has been the case in Caerphilly County Council where the LDP was not adopted by the Council and they now face the position where developments are coming forward in an unco-ordinated way and S106 contributions cannot be levered at the recommended levels, as there is no LDP to provide an evidence base.


The Written Statement in the report at Appendix 2, outlined the local planning policies, land use allocations and associated justification based on the supporting evidence.


The proposal map, also included within Appendix 2 illustrated the land allocations, settlement boundaries planning designations proposed in the plan, which are key to delivery of the spatial strategy.


Chapter 1 – Introduction

Chapter 2 Spatial and Strategic Context – an area profile & context

Chapter 3 – Key Issues & Drivers which are those things that have directly informed the development of the vision and objectives of the plan.

Chapter 4 – Sets out the Strategic Framework – This is the vision that the LDP is working towards.


The Corporate Director – Communities at this point, summarised the key elements from Chapter 4 for Members' information, that covered:-


  • A Growth and Spatial Strategy (Placemaking)
  • Details regarding Employment Land Strategy:
  • Examples of wider Strategic Infrastructure Improvements and Community Investment, the updated LDP would provide:
  • Education provision:
  • Highways Infrastructure issues:
  • Affordable housing options:
  • Public Open Space provision:
  • Health Care proposals:
  • Residential Allocations and their new supporting infrastructure:


The Corporate Director – Communities gave a resume upon each of these  elements of the Plan, for the benefit of Members.


She then also reiterated that the RLDP document was a critical strategic document for the Council. It has been produced over 4 years with a significant evidence base in terms of its development. 


It had also been through a number of public consultations and, if approved today, would be subject to an Examination in Public by an independent Welsh Government Inspector.


There was an opportunity to make representation at the Examination in Public from residents, developers or local members if they wish to do so.  These would be considered by the Inspector prior to any approval of the plan by Welsh Government, the Corporate Director – Communities added.


Council would then be responsible for adopting the LDP, at the end of this process.


The Cabinet Member – Communities commended the Replacement LDP and the amount of work committed to this by Officers from the Planning Department. The revised document would secure in the region of £116m from S106 contributions, as well as a considerable net increase also of accessible green open space. Without the implementation of the LDP he stressed that the Council would experience uncontrolled development, as well as planning by appeal.


A few Members felt that it was regrettable that the new administration, which was in its infancy, was having to make a decision on the Replacement LDP. Some of the newer County Borough Councillors felt that this should have been the responsibility of the predecessor Authority.


Members then in turn made the following comments and asked the following questions in relation to the Replacement LDP:


·          There are 5 Candidate sites in the area of Laleston. The upgraded work to the Broadlands roundabout is welcomed. Connectivity from the areas of Island Farm and land west of Bridgend with increased development being proposed there, necessitates an Active Travel route put in place prior to construction works being developed for the safety of children when cycling from Laleston to Broadlands;

·          Could it be clarified that proposals for the Waterfront Development, Porthcawl, takes account of a maximum of 1,100 residential units and that any future proposals for the Salt Lake Development will be in-keeping with its scale and building height;

·          In respect of the 850 houses proposed for the circus field, Laleston and with the gridlock traffic situation at Bryn Hill and Park Street together with the current air quality situation at the latter, will the Replacement LDP look to remedy further traffic congestion and poorer air quality issues the extra development is likely to generate;

·          Could you confirm that the moratorium for the level crossing at Pencoed will be retained in the Replacement LDP and that the new residential site proposed to the east of Pencoed will come with an Active Travel route in order to ensure there is connectivity to/from the development, as well as assurances on other suitable transport links/interventions;

·          Social and Affordable housing are at a critical low level both locally and nationally. Is there any percentage or guidance on how much of this type of development is proposed for inclusion at different CB locations in the LDP;

·          In terms of Primary Healthcare, could BCBC link in with Cwm Taf Morgannwg Health Authority to ensure provision is maintained and possibly improved, particularly in relation to the Integrated Community Health Centre proposed for Bridgend and at North Cornelly and Porthcawl (South Road);

·          It’s pleasing to note that that long term Regeneration sites have been planned within Maesteg at the Coegnant Road Reclamation location and the Maesteg Washery site. Further endeavours for avenues to obtain external funding will hopefully see work at these sites commence sooner rather than later;

·          Future housing is very much required in the Llynfi Valley and this should just not be proposed but realised also. There is also a lack of Education and Leisure provision in this valley area;

·          With regards to land west of Bridgend, should this scheme progress will this account for a Primary School in the short term, together with Secondary Education provision more longer-term;

·          The Valleys Gateway area is considered within the LDP as an area where there will be little or no Residential Growth. In terms of Appendix 43 to the report – Strategic Transport Assessments, how does this assessment and the Replacement LDP itself, address the chronic issue in terms of traffic in relation to the M4/Junction 36 and the subsequent A4061, connecting some of the Valley Gateway communities. Would also any improvements to the A4061 which is within the local authorities gift, involve a knock-on measure for improvements to the M4 junction;

·          A number of developments in Coity Higher have resulted in being bigger that firstly proposed, eg Parc Derwen as well as some sites at the location being developed upon contrary to a provision of the existing LDP, eg Ffordd Cadfan. Lessons need to be learnt here for the Replacement LDP and developers held to account on their original proposals that should conform with the new LDP. Civic amenities also need to be provided out of S106 monies in-keeping with the size of new housing developments, which should be provided wherever possible, in the early stages of development construction works;

·          Concern was expressed regarding the impact excess traffic and air pollution issues in the centre of Bridgend may have on adjoining/adjacent Wards. S106 monies should also be allocated and spent in the relevant Wards rather than elsewhere;

·          Could consideration be given in the Replacement LDP for the provision of a Safe Route to School, linking the west side of Broadlands, through Gypsy Lane to Trelales.


The above points and representations were responded to by the Corporate Director – Communities and Planning Officers. Further details regarding these responses are available via the following link -  Council


It was then moved, seconded and agreed by way of assent, that an electronic vote be taken on the recommendation of the report.


The result of the vote was as follows:-


For                                           Against                                  Abstain


39                                                 4                                             2


RESOLVED:                                 That Council:


(1)   Considered the Deposit Plan Consultation Report Summary Document (Appendix 1 to the report) and the proposed submission version of the Replacement Local Development Plan as amended following public consultation (Appendices 2 and 3), agreed the amended Replacement Local Development Plan and further agreed that the amended Replacement Local Development Plan be submitted to Welsh Government and Planning and Environment Decisions Wales for independent examination.


 Authorised the Corporate Director - Communities and Group Manager - Planning & Development Services to make any refinements to the Replacement Local Development Plan, supporting background papers and technical evidence required, prior to submitting the plan to Welsh Government and Planning and Environment Decisions Wales.

Supporting documents: