Agenda item

Update on Corporate Parenting Development


The Corporate Parenting and Participation Officer presented a report which provide the Cabinet Committee Corporate Parenting with an update on the development of Corporate Parenting in Bridgend.


He explained that the first Cabinet Committee Corporate Parenting meeting of the municipal year received a report presented by the Corporate Parenting and Participation Officer setting out proposals for the future development of Corporate Parenting in Bridgend. The proposals included:


  • Establishing a shared Vision for Corporate Parenting Responsibilities.
  • Establishing a governance structure that supports the strategic and operational approach to Corporate Parenting.
  • Establishing a Corporate Parenting Performance Framework.
  • Establishing care experienced forums to provide our children and young people with a collective voice.


The Corporate Parenting and Participation Officer highlighted that the Corporate Parenting Operational Group had now been renamed to the Corporate Parenting Board. Details on the above proposals and the progress made to date was highlighted in details at section 4 of the report. He provided a presentation and video which highlighted the issues from the consultation event that young people had.


The Chairperson explained that she enjoyed the partnership event and the connections and developments made at this event were valuable and promising. She added that resources across stakeholders were not being utilised as effectively as they could be.


The Cabinet Member Future Generations welcomed the report and reflected on the event and believed it to be eye opening into the children we care for and the challenges they faced and what we could be doing to make their lives more normal. He encouraged members of the committee to attend future events.


The Chief Executive stated that the presentation was very informative and helpful provided an indication on the things that as a committee should be looking at to ensure that the services provided to care experienced children was as good as it could be. He asked how all the concerns of the children were captured and what action plan was in place to ensure we were delivering. The Corporate Parenting and Participation Officer explained that in the terms of reference its cited the six priorities listed in the report and there will be subgroups whereby each points would be broken down and an action plan formed for each subgroup. By the new financial year there will be an established list of objectives each with an action plan which the committee can look at.


The Chief Executive asked for clarity on the relationship between the Corporate Parenting Board and this Committee. He asked that relevant information and data be fed back to this committee. The Corporate Parenting and Participation Officer ensured that a strict governance around how we approach corporate parenting to ensure it was sustainable. He explained that the board was meeting shortly following this meeting today, and then 4 weeks before the next scheduled Corporate Parenting meeting. During this time there will be a data report and any recommendation that came from this meeting would contribute to that report. this would then be provided back to the next committee meeting.


The Corporate Director Social Services and Wellbeing added that it was disheartening to see the aspirations of many care experienced children being so low. As a committee and a Council we need to challenge ourselves to raise the aspirations of children which requires close working with partners and organisations. She agreed that that a data report would be beneficial for this committee to receive.


RESOLVED: That the committee considered the contents of this report and supported the progress of the Corporate Parenting Board.


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