Agenda item

Suspension of Council's Contract Procedure Rules and Award of Contract for the Supply of Temporary Workers


The Chief Officer Legal and Regulatory Services, HR and Corporate Policy presented a report seeking approval to put interim arrangements in place

for the council’s contract for the provision of temporary workers and to suspend the relevant parts of the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules (CPRs) with regards to the requirement to re-tender the contract.


The Chief Officer Legal and Regulatory Services, HR and Corporate Policy explained that the contract temporary workers members provided the council with key skills and experience in a variety of circumstances where it was not possible to recruit on a permanent basis. This could be because of a skill shortage in the market, an urgent need to cover a position due to planned or unplanned absence and seasonal demand or short term funding.  The current contract with the temp agency was via the National Procurement Service and this would expire on the 10th November 2022 and no further extension periods were available.


The Chief Officer Legal and Regulatory Services, HR and Corporate Policy explained that Welsh Government were currently developing a new NPS framework agreement to meet the needs of local authorities in Wales acknowledging the recruitment challenges being faced in local government and the increasing requirement for agency workers in some areas. In order to allow time for the new NPS framework agreement to be procured, and for the council to conduct its own exercise, a continuation of the existing contract was requested. A period of up to 18 months, would enable the council to explore specific professional frameworks in addition to the NPS framework and to take account of any other national developments on the agency worker procurement. To ensure continuity and knowledge of the existing provider, it was proposed that Cabinet suspend the relevant part of the Council’s CPRs requiring a competitive procurement exercise and agree to the awarding of the contract to the current provider based on current contractual arrangements until the 10th of May 2024 with an option to extend for six monthly reviews to extend for maximum flexibility.


The Deputy Leader moved the report then explained that she had some concerns around agency staff. Welsh Government had given clear indications that they needed to put monetary safeguards in place with agency workers. She believed that the BCBC workforce was disadvantaged by the way agency staff were paid but was happy to move the report in the interim.   


The Leader welcomed the national approach outlined by Welsh Government and recognised that that would take time and in the meantime, they needed arrangements in place to secure the temporary workers essential to the operations of the authority.


RESOLVED:       Cabinet:


1.  Approved the continuance of the supply of temporary workers, to allow for a full review and a fully compliant tender process to take place.

2.  Suspended the relevant parts of the Council’s CPRs in respect of the requirement as to re-tendering of the proposed contract; and

3.  Authorised the Group Manager Human Resources and Organisational Development to enter a contract for the Supply of Temporary Workers until 10th May 2024.


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