The Treasurer submitted a report, the purpose of which, was to inform the Joint Committee of the details of the income and expenditure for the first six months of the 2022-23 financial year and give a projection of the final outturn, as well as to provide an update to the Joint Committee in relation to the Annual Accounting Statement 2021-22.
By way of background information, the Finance Manager, Financial Control, Closing and Accounting Systems, confirmed that the 2022-23 Revenue Budget was approved by the Joint Committee at its meeting on 4 March 2022. The current budget position and projected outturn for 2022-23 was shown in paragraph 4.1 of the report.
She referred Members to paragraph 4.1 of the report and Table 1, which contained details of income and expenditure for the period April to September 2022, together with the projected outturn for the financial year.
This Table showed a projected deficit of £941,000 for the 2022-23 financial year, which is in line with the deficit approved by the Joint Committee on 4 March 2022 and is as a result of additional budget being approved for capital works for the Flower Court extension. An explanation of the variances between the budget and projected outturn were further detailed in this section of the report.
Table 2 in paragraph 4.2, gave a breakdown of the Capital Financing budget for 2022-23, along with the expenditure for the period April to September 2022 and projected outturn for the financial year. An additional budget of £719,957 was agreed to fund the increased costs for the Flower Court extension at the Joint Committee meeting on 15 July 2022, increasing this budget to £1.270 million, added the Finance Manager – Financial Control, Closing and Accounting Systems.
The Annual Return for 2021-22 (at Appendix 1 of the report) was submitted to Audit Wales at the end of July 2022, showing a surplus of £280,724 for the year and an accumulated balance of £3,179,607 at 31 March 2022.
She advised that Audit Wales had now confirmed that the Return has been audited with no amendments required (Appendix 2 referred).
The Finance Manager – Financial Control, Closing and Accounting Systems finally added, that a copy of the certified Return will be made available at the Crematorium and electronically on Bridgend County Borough Council’s website.
A Member referred to the top of page 29 of the report, where it made reference to a projected increase in Bridgend County Borough Council Contribution of £3,000 relating to increased staffing costs recharged to the Council’s Cemeteries service. He asked for some clarification as to what this was.
The Bereavement Services Manager and Registrar confirmed that this was a percentage of salary of a member of staff that had been placed from the Cemeteries Department of the Communities Directorate to the Crematorium, therefore some of the post’s salary was re-charged to that Department.
RESOLVED: That the Joint Committee noted the Revenue Monitoring Statement April to September for 2022-23 and the position in relation to the Annual Accounting Statement 2021-22.
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