Agenda item

Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Children


The Corporate Director Social Services and Wellbeing presented a report providing an update to Cabinet on the mandated National Transfer Scheme for Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children and Young people (UASC) and requesting that delegated authority be given to the Corporate Director of Social Services and Wellbeing to modify a current contract, in accordance with rule 3.3.3 of the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules and to the Corporate Director Social Services and Wellbeing in consultation with the Chief Officer – Finance, Performance and Change and Section 151 Officer, and Chief Officer – Legal & Regulatory Services, HR and Corporate

Policy to agree the terms of the regional agreement (SLA) and any ancillary

agreements, as required.


The Corporate Director Social Services and Wellbeing explained the background to the report and that to date, BCBC had successfully placed 6 children, utilising supported accommodation and independent foster agencies. At present, BCBC did not have sufficient capacity within existing Supported Accommodation contracts to accommodate young people coming through the NTS. Placement sufficiency across fostering and residential care was also limited. She explained that the current proposal was to develop more supported accommodation suitable for young people who were over the age of 16, provided by a registered social landlord. The support would be provided by a commissioned support provider, Dewis Ltd. The current Supported Accommodation contract in place with Dewis only allowed a 10% modification however a contract modification of 36% was required to help BCBC meet the UASC requirements identified in the report.


The Corporate Director Social Services and Wellbeing added that this would be a cost-effective way of meeting the needs of those children and the location would be quite suitable for access to local services, including education provision within the county borough. She explained that there had been a change from the Home Office in terms of the finance attached to asylum seeking children and she was confident that the money from the Home Office would meet the need for the supported accommodation.


The Deputy Leader replied that she was really pleased to note that Westminster were going to be paying all the costs. There was some uncertainty around the cost of the care and support plans because they did not actually know who the young people were until they arrived. She asked for assurances that the young people could be placed with providers by the 28th of February and if arrangements for education were in place.


The Corporate Director Social Services and Wellbeing replied that assurances were in place and the purpose of this report was to get the requisite permissions to fulfil the responsibility before the end of February.


The Cabinet Member for Education asked what provisions were being put in place for the children and were there any special categorisations for these children? He also asked if the costs would be covered by UK Government.


The Corporate Director Education and Family Support replied that they would be identified as looked after children and obviously prioritised under the School Admissions Policy. They would also be considered eligible for school transport in line with the Learner Travel Wales measure and also be eligible for free school meals. In addition, as far as wider education support was concerned, they would have additional support through the inclusion service with regard to English as an additional language. He explained that with regard to the costs being covered by UK Government, he would need to seek clarification from finance colleagues.


The Leader explained that expectations were that funding to cover all the costs to support these children, would come from UK Government. These were the most vulnerable children in our society fleeing horror and terror and it was our duty to make them as welcome as possible. He added that they had met with the Ward Members and they were very supportive and they would work closely with the Community as the proposal developed.


The Leader asked that clarification be sought that all costs, including education, would be covered by UK Government.  


RESOLVED:                  Cabinet:

·      Delegated authority to the Corporate Director - Social Services and Wellbeing to modify the existing Supported Accommodation contract with Dewis in order to provide additional services up to the value of £213k in accordance with rule 3.3.3 of the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules.

Delegated authority to the Corporate Director - Social Services and Wellbeing in consultation with the Chief Officer, Finance, Performance and Change and Section 151 Officer, and Chief Officer - Legal, HR and Regulatory Services to agree the terms of and enter into a regional supported accommodation service agreement (SLA) and any ancillary agreements, as required.

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