Agenda item

Corporate Plan 2023-28


The Chief Executive presented a report, the purpose of which, was to provide an update on the Council’s Corporate Plan and seek endorsement from Cabinet for the Corporate Plan 2023-28, attached at Appendix 1 to the report, prior to submission to Council for approval on 1 March 2023.


He explained that the Council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) 2023-2027 is being presented to Council for approval on 1 March 2023 alongside the updated Corporate Plan 2023-28. The two documents are aligned to each other, enabling the reader to make explicit links between the Council’s well-being objectives and the resources directed to support them. 


The Wellbeing of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 (“the Act”) states that public bodies, including local authorities, must work to improve the economic, social, environmental and cultural well-being of Wales, with certain actions needing to be taken in order to achieve this.


Paragraph 3.3 of the report confirmed that there are 7 wellbeing goals for Wales, set out in the above Act and the Council were required to demonstrate its contribution to each of these goals. These wellbeing goals were listed in the report.


The Chief Executive confirmed that the Corporate Plan was the Council’s main vehicle for demonstrating and communicating the priorities to local people and businesses. It was also an important part of the assurance framework for its regulators. Audit Wales intend to test approaches to developing the Corporate Plan (especially the well-being objectives) across Wales over the next 6 months, hence the importance of the Plan.


Research and early engagement feedback undertaken, had combined a set of draft principles and wellbeing objectives, which formed part of the annual budget consultation and the staff survey, and these were discussed with Cabinet Members, and political groups. 


These principles and wellbeing objectives had been brought together in the draft Corporate Plan attached at Appendix 1 to the report.


The Chief Executive advised, that the draft Corporate Plan, was brief and accessible with simple language, wide use of infographics (although these will be developed by the designers following Council approval) and a focus on principles / ways of working as well as the well-being objectives. There is a focus throughout the report on the financial situation and need for change, putting residents first and improving responsiveness and communications as well as personal / community responsibility alongside Council services. In short, the Plan was better laid out; concise yet informative and was therefore easier to read and take in, than had been previous versions.


Detail of the objectives and performance indicators (or key results) arising from the Corporate Plan, would form part of the Corporate Plan Delivery Plan, to be developed alongside the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee in March and April 2023.


The Chief Executive stated that since initial engagement with the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee, significant changes have been made to the Corporate Plan to reflect the Committee’s views, and the views of staff and residents. These were detailed in paragraph 4.6 of the report.


Cabinet Members in turn commended the Corporate Plan, particularly in respect of the engagement on the provisions of the Plan with the young people in Bridgend, introducing classes such as Women’s self-defence training, supporting unpaid Carers, publicising our public rights of way to promote exercise for health and wellbeing reasons, advocating climate change, improving children’s play areas and looking to invest further in recycling. The also supported the engagement that had taken place with key stakeholders and residents within the Bridgend County Borough. 


The Leader thanked partners of the Council for contributing to and shaping the Plan, including Members through the Authorities Overview and Scrutiny process.


The Chief Executive added, that a Delivery Plan would be presented to the Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee, with the aim of monitoring and measuring the outcomes and objectives of the Corporate Plan’s Action Plan


RESOLVED:                                     That Cabinet endorsed the Corporate Plan 2023-28 attached at Appendix 1 to the report and recommended it to Council for approval on 1 March 2023.


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