Agenda item

Corporate Plan 2023-28


The Corporate Policy and Public Affairs Manager presented a report, in order to provide an update on the Council’s Corporate Plan and seek support from the Town and Community Council Forum on sharing the Corporate Plan 2023-28, that was attached at Appendix 1 to the covering report. This was due to be reported to Council later this month.


She confirmed that there are 7 wellbeing goals for Wales, set out in the  Wellbeing of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015, and the Council like other local authorities, needed to demonstrate our contribution to each of these goals, which are –


           A prosperous Wales

           A resilient Wales

           A healthier Wales

           A more equal Wales

           A Wales of cohesive communities

           A Wales of vibrant culture and thriving Welsh language

           A globally responsible Wales


The Corporate Policy and Public Affairs Manager added, that the Council must also consider the 5 ways of working as it develops the new Corporate Plan. These were –


• Long term - balancing short-term needs with the need to safeguard the ability to also meet long-term needs

• Prevention - acting to prevent problems occurring or getting worse to help the Council meet its objectives

• Integration – thinking about how its wellbeing goals will contribute to the 7 national goals, on its other objectives and on partners objectives.

• Collaboration – working across different parts of the Council and partners to achieve its objectives

• Involvement - involving people with an interest in achieving the well-being goals, and ensuring those people reflect the diversity of its area.


The Corporate Plan is the Council’s main vehicle for demonstrating and communicating the priorities to local people and businesses. It was also an important part of the assurance framework for its regulators. Audit Wales intend to test approaches to developing the Corporate Plan (especially the well-being objectives) across Wales over the next 6 months. These Objectives were outlined in paragraph 3.5 of the report.


Welsh Government were also taking a keen interest in the development of well-being objectives, in line with the evolution of the Social Partnership Bill and guidance. They are keen to see evidence of the Council working with staff and Trade Unions on the development of its well-being objectives and plan. 


The Corporate Policy and Public Affairs Manager then outlined some of the work that had been undertaken or was required, such as in relation to:


·         Use of research, data and information to inform the Corporate Plan;

·         Use of engagement, involvement and consultation to inform the Corporate Plan.


Further detail regarding the work carried out in these areas, was explained in the report, including feedback in terms of consultation both internally, for example through the Overview and Scrutiny process and externally with stakeholders, such as constituents, the Public Service Board and the Youth Council.


Following the consultation process, some changes had been made to the Corporate Plan based on the feedback received, such as:


           Rewriting the principles, and changing the icons that represent them,  so they are more positive, aspirational and forward looking

           Adding a small section on context to each wellbeing objective to demonstrate the link with specific council services

           Reconfiguring the diagram on the Council’s finances to reflect costs per day (per household)

           Adding references to town centres and Porthcawl

           Adding information in Wellbeing Objective 2 to focus on staff welfare, recruitment and pay.

           Adding information in Wellbeing Objective 6 to focus on listening to and responding to residents’ views

           Adding information on youth employment, and the music service.


The Corporate Policy and Public Affairs Manager gave a power point presentation in support of the report.


Members of the Forum gratefully asked for the Corporate Plan to be shared with Town and Community Councils and the Corporate Policy and Public Affairs Manager confirmed that she would arrange this and, if necessary, either herself or members of her team could come along to talk on this for the benefit of Members.


A Member also felt that it would be advantageous to use the Corporate Plan as an opportunity to allow, where appropriate, Town and Community Councils to deliver some of the services included in the Plan, through joint working arrangements.


RESOLVED:                            That the Town and Community Council Forum, noted the Corporate Plan 2023-28 presented for approval to Council on 1 March as attached at Appendix 1 of the report.

Supporting documents: