Agenda item

Pay Policy Statement - 2023/2024


The Group Manager Human Resources and Organisational Development presented a report, the purpose of which, was to seek Council approval of the Pay Policy Statement for 2023 2024.


She advised that the Pay Policy Statement provided a framework to ensure that employees are rewarded fairly and objectively without discrimination and recognised the importance of having a clear written policy on pay for employees.


She proceeded by confirming that the Council has a statutory requirement under the Localism Act 2011 to prepare a Pay Policy Statement on an annual basis. The first statement was in place in 2012, and they have been produced annually since that year.  The statement is developed in accordance with Welsh Government guidance, added the Group Manager – Human Resources and Organisational Development. 


The focus of the legislation was about transparency of pay for Chief Officers and how their pay compares with lower paid employees in the Council.  However, in the interests of transparency and accountability the Council’s Pay Policy Statement covered all employee groups, with the exception of teachers (as their remuneration is set by Welsh Government and therefore not in local authority control).


The Pay Policy Statement also excluded Members of the Council, as they are not employees and are governed by separate legislation via the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales.


The Group Manager – Human Resources and Organisational Development stated that Members were being asked to note paragraphs 4.5 to 4.7 of the  report, which summarised the changes which have been reflected in this year’s statement, including as follows:


  1. the Council’s accreditation as a Real living Wage employer and payment of the Real Living Wage - £10.90 per hour;


  1. the changes to the pay structure as a result of the 2022/2023 pay award which included the deletion of spinal column point 1 from the National Joint Council pay spine, with effect from 1 April 2023.


The Pay Policy Statement was attached at Appendix 1 to the report, which set out all pay arrangements including all pay grades, related policies and the Single Status collective agreement, as well as subsequent addenda to the collective agreements.


A Member asked if there was another Policy within the Council for benefits over and above those contained in the report, such as for example, car allowances.


It was confirmed that no car benefits had been made available for any Council Officers, as a result of a Collective Agreement made in 2013 when the Authority implemented Single Status.


A Member referred to page 51 of the report and paragraph 7.5.1 and performance pay related payments. She noted that the Council did not operate performance related pay at any staffing level. There were however, a number of managerial processes in place to monitor, evaluate and manage performance. She asked if the Officer could elaborate on these and their effectiveness.


The Group Manager – Human Resources and Organisational Development stated that, there were a number of processes in place to manage staff performance levels undertaken at an employee/manager level. These included activities such as 1 : 1’s, team meetings and staff appraisals, where objectives were set out for staff and managed through service arrangements.


As this was the last meeting of Council to be attended by the Group Manager – Human Resources and Organisational Development, the Leader and the Mayor together with other Members, paid tribute to her hard working career, due to her pending retirement from BCBC at the end of this month.


This was echoed by all those present in the meeting, who all wished her the very best in her future retirement.


RESOLVED:                                     That Council approved the Pay Policy Statement 2023/2024 attached at Appendix 1 to the report.


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