The Children’s Rights and Participation Worker submitted a report, the purpose of which, was to update Cabinet Committee Equalities on the work done in recent months by the Youth Council and Young People Of Pride (YPOP).
In order to give Members some outline information, she explained that the Bridgend Youth Council consists of a mayor, cabinet members and teams of youth councillors. The body was set up and run by local young people, and is an entirely separate entity from Bridgend County Borough Council.
The main priorities highlighted by the Youth Mayor and Deputy are as follows:
• The Sustainability for the future;
• Education of Democracy and UK politics in schools;
• Tackling Youth Violence through prevention programmes;
• Youth mental Health Awareness and support in schools;
• Educational prevention to bring an end to racism and injustice;
• Supporting LGBTQ+ Rights
The Children’s Rights and Participation Worker confirmed that The Youth Council now had two sessions a month. One online session, `Chat and Chill’, that allows members to log onto zoom/online to chat to a Youth worker and take part in some quizzes and games. Another session is a formal face to face Youth Council Meeting, which happens on the 3rd Wednesday of each month. The Youth Council meet in Evergreen Hall and take part in workshops, training, debates and consultations.
They have worked with Bridgend County Borough Council staff and outside organisations such as Barod, the Police and Crime Commissioners Team, Cwm Taf Health Board, plus more besides, she added.
During the last few months, the Youth Council given a contribution to the consultations outlined in paragraph 4.2 of the report.
They have also highlighted national events on social media such as:
• #wearyellowforyouthmentalhealth Day;
• International Women’s Day;
• The Youth Mayor and Member of Youth Parliament Aspen took part in the annual Remembrance Day events in Bridgend;
• Members also took part in sessions through our Safeguarding week, highlighting information around substance use, domestic violence and mental health support.
The Deputy Youth Mayor, Gwion has been busy delivering his Trans Awareness training to the Youth Development Team and Senior Management Team in Bridgend. Gwion has been recognised for his service to the community through winning a High Sheriff of Mid Glamorgan’s Award.
The Children’s Rights and Participation Worker then outlined some of the work and progress of the Young People Of Pride (YPOP) LGBTQIA+ Youth Club. More details regarding this were detailed in paragraph 4.5 of the report.
The Chairperson asked if there was membership on the Youth Council from all areas of the County Borough.
The Children’s Rights and Participation Worker responded by saying that there were 10 members in the Youth Council at present, though there was a recruitment drive currently ongoing to increase this, including through schools. Representative groups from Heronsbridge and Welsh Language groups were being explored also to become involved with the Youth Council agenda. She added that work was also in progress with School Councils, in order to build a network of them feeding into higher Corporate Plans.
The Cabinet Member – Communities felt that the Youth Council and other groups could be involved in working with him on projects such as the Waste Contract, the Net Zero carbon agenda and the Green agenda, etc.
A Member felt that promotion of the Youth Council and how to become involved in it, should be made more aware in the valley areas of the County Borough, as there was no representation from the Ogmore Valley on there.
The Children’s Rights and Participation Worker took this on board and added that further promotion of Youth Voice events could be explored, particularly as now there was extra support from two new Digital Youth workers that had recently been recruited.
The Leader and Deputy Leader in turn, also felt that the Youth Council could have some future involvement in the Cabinet Forward Work Programme.
RESOLVED: That Cabinet Committee Equalities noted the update report.
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