Agenda item

Forward Work Programme Update


The Scrutiny Officer presented the Committee with the Forward Work Programme (FWP) in Appendix A for discussion and consideration, requested any specific information the Committee identified to be included in the items for the next two meetings, including invitees they wished to attend, requested the Committee to identify any further items for consideration on the FWP having regard to the selection criteria in paragraph 3.6, asked the Committee to note the Recommendations Monitoring Action Sheet to track responses to the Committee’s recommendations made at previous meetings in Appendix B, the Directorate Performance Dashboards in Appendices C, D, E and F, the Regulatory Tracker in Appendix G and asked the Committee to note that a further update to the Tracker would be reported to a future meeting for information, following its report to Governance and Audit Committee.


The Committee requested that consideration be given to the scheduling of a report regarding the challenges of workforce, recruitment and retention, avoiding any duplication of work by the Governance and Audit Committee and that consideration be given to the scheduling of the report on Cyber Security at an appropriate time in the Committee’s FWP for the upcoming year. 


There were no further items identified for consideration on the FWP having regard to the selection criteria in paragraph 3.6, and this could be revisited at the next meeting when the Quarter 4 Performance data 2022-23 was due to be presented.


There were no requests to include specific information in the item for the next meeting.


RESOLVED:               That the Committee approved the FWP in

Appendix A subject to the inclusion of the above items and noted the Recommendations Monitoring Action Sheet in Appendix B, the Directorate Performance Dashboards in Appendices C, D, E and F and the Regulatory Tracker in Appendix G. 

Supporting documents: