Agenda item

Capital Programme Update Quarter 1 2023-24


The Chief Officer – Finance, Performance and Change presented this report. Its purpose was to:


  • comply with the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy’s (CIPFA) ‘The Prudential Code for Capital Finance in Local Authorities’ (2021 edition) requirement to report performance against all forward looking indicators on a quarterly basis.
  • provide an update of the capital programme position for 2023-24 as at 30 June 2023 (Appendix A).
  • seek agreement from Cabinet to present a report to Council for approval of a revised capital programme for 2023-24 to 2032-33 (Appendix B).
  • note the projected Prudential and Other Indicators for 2023-24 (Appendix C).


The Cabinet Member for Finances, Resources and Legal welcomed the new report template and noted that while he welcomed Welsh Government grants, he wondered about the genuine revenue implications of initiatives like free school meals. He also speculated about the expenditure on fleet vehicles and whether it was absolutely necessary to change them now.


The Chief Officer – Finance, Performance and Change responded by indicating there would be revenue implications in the form of running costs for the new fleet vehicles, but she assumed most of the fleet being bought is just replacing old and running costs would actually reduce. She further noted there would be a hit on the revenue account because that's funded via borrowing and therefore services do need to make sure before they purchase that fleet that they can actually afford to repay the loans that we will have to be taken out in order to fund them. She added that it would be valuable to make some of those consequences more explicit in future reports.


The Deputy Leader drew attention to two issues:


  • Disabled facilities grants, and specifically the award of £0.1 million from Cwm Taf Morgannwg’s Housing with Care Fund, which will be used to fund equipment and adaptations to existing homes which are not supported by other Welsh Government adaptations grants, including supplementing the cost of Disabled Facilities Grants (DFG) over the £36,000 statutory maximum. In response, the Corporate Director – Social Services and Wellbeing noted it had been the strategy over many years that disabled facilities grants help people to remain in their own homes and that can reduce the need for ongoing care.
  • the acquisition of the existing vehicles, plant and equipment utilised in the provision of the current waste service with Kier Services Limited. In particular, whether BCBC would get warranties on any of the equipment or vehicles and how old are they. In response, the Corporate Director – Communities noted that the residual value of the vehicles and kit had been established as £460,000 and this was good value compared to buying them new which would have cost £1.5 million. She noted they would take possession of any manufacturer warranties that remain. She indicated though, that some of the vehicles have been used for seven years and their life expectancy is ten years.


The Cabinet Member for Community Safety and Wellbeing requested further information on the Community Focused Schools, a project supported by a Welsh Government grant of £2.398 million and aimed to target small and medium scale capital schemes to safely adapt and effectively open schools outside traditional hours.


The Head of Education and Family Support indicated she could provide members with the complete list of 22 projects. She noted that not only would the projects allow access outside the school hours but also enhance the schools. The types of things being invested in were things like floodlights, changing rooms, pathways, fencing etc.


The Leader made it clear that he very much welcomed the investment of £2.4 million by the Welsh Government in our schools and communities.


The Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Environment reminded everyone that it was imperative to make sure that any vehicles bought are used and not sitting idle outside day centres or depots. If that was the case, they weren’t needed. The Corporate Director – Communities noted that she couldn't agree more and that that was something that was a key part of the fleet review. She indicated they were starting with the highest mileage vehicles and looking at where they are used and also whether it is possible to share vehicles between services. Another important thing is only replacing vehicles when they're at the end of their usable life. It was necessary to ensure there was only the right amount of fleet and that it was fit for purpose and used effectively. She indicated that she would be pleased to bring the fleet review to Cabinet so there could be an informed discussion about it.


The Leader made it clear he would welcome the fleet review coming back to Cabinet.


The Cabinet Member for Education drew attention to two significant pieces of investment in the report:


  • Free School Meals, especially the kitchen extension at Trelales Primary, and the purchase of kitchen pods at Cwmfelin Primary, Newtown Primary and Bryntirion Infants.
  • Flying Start Childcare. To support the delivery of Early Years Childcare, Welsh Government have provided £0.185 million to create Flying Start provisions at Ogmore Vale and Pontycymmer, and the funding will be used to repurpose classrooms within Ogmore Vale Primary and Pontycymmer Nursery.


The Leader concluded this agenda item by highlighting the proposal to boost the Community Asset Transfer Fund.






  • noted the Council’s Capital Programme 2023-24 Quarter 1 update to 30 June 2023 (Appendix A).
  • agreed that the revised Capital Programme (Appendix B) be submitted to Council for approval.
  • noted the projected Prudential and Other Indicators for 2023-24 (Appendix C).


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