Agenda item

To receive the report of the Leader




The Leader advised that Members may be aware that the Development Control Committee recently resolved that no further coaling should be allowed to take place at the Margam opencast, and that the high water levels at the site require urgent action. The Committee also agreed to look at ways of making the site safe using existing restoration funds, and to organise a public meeting with Neath Port Talbot to bring everyone up to speed on joint efforts to deal with the problem. Both he and his fellow Cabinet Members fully supported the Committee’s decisions, as the site has long been a major concern and he was aware that a lot of work had been taking place between Bridgend, Neath Port Talbot, the Welsh Government and Natural Resources Wales, to find a long term solution on this very difficult issue. There will be further updates about this as the situation develops and Members would be kept informed accordingly.


He confirmed that colleagues in health had advised that Wales is experiencing its highest flu levels in four years, and are urging people to do all that they can to help stop it from spreading further. Recent figures have shown that while not everyone with flu symptoms will visit their GP, more than 3,000 have already done so. It is important that anyone who is in an at-risk group such as the elderly, the very young, pregnant women or people with a chronic health condition makes sure they are vaccinated as soon as possible. Further advice is available from local GPs, and Members may want to share this information with their constituents.


Finally, the Leader stated that he was conscious of the fact that this was the first time Council had met since the tragic accident at Maesteg Comprehensive that resulted in the death of pupil Ashley Talbot. The loss of a pupil is always a sad affair, but especially so when it involves such sudden and tragic circumstances. This was a dreadful incident for all concerned, but Maesteg Comprehensive School had always been a strong, close-knit community, and pupils, teachers, staff and governors were continuing to support one another. A full investigation into the incident is underway and we as a Council we were continuing to provide support for the school. The leader extended his thanks the Council crisis team who responded so promptly, and acknowledged the many offers of support that we received from neighbouring Councils, organisations and individuals, all of which were greatly appreciated. Ashley was a popular child with lots of friends, and will be sadly missed. Our thoughts remain with family, friends and everyone who knew Ashley, and who has been affected by this tragic accident.


One of the local Members echoed the comments of the Leader and thanked the support of the school in response to the tragic accident, in that all that could have been done was done. The school and its teachers and pupils had also been supported and still were, in order that they could try and start to possibly come to terms with their very sad loss.


He wanted to say that his and the thoughts of many others, were extended to the teacher who had been directly involved in the accident, Chris Brookes, whose life had been so unfortunately shattered as a result of the accident.