Agenda item

Six Monthly Report on Equality in the Workforce



            The Equalities and Engagement Officer presented a report to provide the Committee with data on the Council’s workforce, together with comparative information and an update on employment related developments.


            He informed Members that the data collection project, which includes Members, had been ongoing for the last two years.  He advised that collecting data provided better understanding of the workforce, delivering regular training to staff which included dignity at work training, in order to promote equality and diversity across the workforce.  He explained that the training was in the pilot phase and 90 people had already completed it.  Three training sessions had been held so far, with a further three being run during February and the plan was to widen training across other service areas as well.  He described the formation of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transsexual (LGBT) Network and the first meeting held recently had been a success.  Guidance on dealing with customers and service users who may be transgender had been developed as well as guidance on race and religion.  They were currently in the process of developing a Carers’ Network with an on-line Forum.  He asked the Committee whether the wanted the data presented in a different way.


            One Member suggested a swingometer column to show decreases and increases in the workforce to show movement.  Another Member suggested a breakdown to show whether there were more females employed on a part time basis and what areas of the Authority they were predominant.


            The Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development advised that the number of part time employees had increased, which were generally taken up by females.


            The Leader referred to the format and queried the actual data presented between the 31st March 2014 and the 30th September 2014, which showed the number of gay men had increased from 11 to 19.  He asked whether this was due to the fact that people were now more comfortable in providing detailed information, which he believed was a positive step forward.


            The Equalities and Engagement Officer confirmed that it was partly due to the fact they did feel more comfortable, but it was also the way agenda was managed and the fact that the data collection project was more in depth.


            One Member asked whether they had sought the support of the Trade Unions in the data collection exercise and if it was advertised.  She further asked whether they intended to have other networks and group mail boxes.


            The Equalities and Engagement Officer advised that the Trade Unions had not been involved as they had considered best practice in other local authorities; however it was not too late to include the Unions.  Other networks they were considering as part of the Strategic Equalities Plan were disabilities, race and religion.  With regard to group mail boxes, he advised that there was a dedicated Equalities mail box which he was responsible for.


            Another Member was encouraged by the fact that people felt more able to come out and asked how many of the 54 elected Members had completed their forms.


            The Equalities and Engagement Officer stated that the figure was around 30%.


            The Chairperson suggested placing the form electronically on the Members’ page.  A Member asked whether data was being collected on sign language.  The Equalities and Engagement Officer advised that he was aware of two people.


RESOLVED:       That the Committee considered the workforce report.


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