Agenda item

P/14/714/FUL - Land adj. Carn Wen, Broadlands, Bridgend - Double garage with self-contained flat above


The Corporate Director – Communities submitted a report, advising that Members at the last scheduled meeting of Committee on 8 January 2015 had been minded to refuse planning permission for the above planning application, contrary to the Officer’s recommendation contained within that report, and that a further report be presented to Members today, including draft reasons for refusal. These reasons were shown reference numbered 1. and 2. on page 65 of the report. However, the Amendment Sheet to the Committee report outlined two alternative draft reasons that Officers felt should be considered as alternatives to those contained in the report, together with certain other further information deemed relevant to the application. During the course of debate upon the report, a motion was made, duly seconded and carried, to add to the amended draft reason 2. for refusal, the words “and in addition, the proposal was not in accord with ENV 6 of the Local Development Plan”


The Group Manager Development advised Members that following the last Committee meeting, a Member made a request for further information on the level of amenity space proposed for the development. The response to this was outlined in the report, and the Officer gave a resume of this for the benefit of Committee Members.


Members then debated the report and Officers responded to the points they made in respect of the application. The Group Manager Development advised Members that the reasons put forward for refusal of the application, were unlikely to be defended upon Appeal by the applicant.


Following this, a vote was taken individually, as to whether or not to agree to each of the  two reasons for refusal of the application, as outlined in the report. 


Members subsequently voted not to accept the draft reasons for refusal put forward (as amended), with the second such reason being voted against by the Chairperson by way of a second casting vote.


As a result of the above, Committee


RESOLVED:                     That the above application be granted subject to the Conditions (and Notes) received in the report of the Corporate Director – Communities to the Development Control Committee dated 8 January 2015, and subject to the following:-


That Condition of the above report 2 be replaced as follows:-


(2)     Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town & Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Amendment) (Wales) Order 2013 (or any Order revoking and re-enacting that Order with or without modification), no development which would be permitted under Article 3 and Classes A, B , C , D , E & G of Part 1 to Schedule 2 of the Order shall be carried out within the curtilage of the dwelling without the prior written consent of the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: In the interests of visual and residential amenities.


The addition of the following Note l)


                                       l) The developer is reminded:-


i.    To ensure that he/she has full control of the land to which this    consent (the red line boundary) relates, and;


  ii.  Failure to comply with Condition 1 above will result in enforcement action being pursued.


Supporting documents: