Agenda item

Equality and Diversity Learning and Development


The Equality and Engagement Officer reported on an update on equality and diversity learning and development for the Council’s employees.  He stated that the requirement for training was outlined in the Public Sector Equality Duty and Welsh Language Scheme, with a need for managers and staff to have an awareness and understanding of equality and diversity when preparing Equality Impact Assessments and delivery and when delivering frontline services.  Welsh language training and awareness is based on identified business need for frontline services. 


The Equality and Engagement Officer informed the Committee that the Strategic Equality Plan and Welsh Language Scheme outline a commitment to implement, evaluate and monitor the effectiveness of equality, diversity and Welsh language training.  He informed the Committee that whilst the Welsh language was not a protected characteristic under the Equality Act, Welsh language learning for appropriate employees must be considered by the Council.  He stated that a 3 year learning and development plan had been approved by the Committee in October 2014 is in place which outlined the levels and types of training to be provided, together with targeted numbers of staff. 


The Equality and Engagement Officer informed the Committee of a summary of feedback of the equality and diversity training undertaken between November 2014 and February 2015 and following the pilot phase the programme would be delivered to other services within the Council. 


He also informed the Committee of the steep increase in the number of consultations being undertaken across the Council by service areas and the Marketing and Engagement Team and an integral element of this process is to undertake an Equality Impact Assessment.  He stated that an EIA training pilot programme would be developed within the Resources Directorate and introduced across all other service areas from April 2015. 


The Equality and Engagement Officer informed the Committee that elected Members had previously received equality and diversity training and it was proposed that a further programme of training is delivered.  The Committee considered the importance of equality and diversity training being delivered to Members and attendance at this training should be compulsory, however in order to encourage greater attendance it may be beneficial to hold the training as a pre-Council briefing.  


The Equality and Engagement Officer informed the Committee that the new Welsh Language Standards due to be introduced in 2015 highlight the requirement for the Council’s customers to undertake their business in the language of their choice.  He stated that whilst there was no requirement for all frontline staff employees to be fluent in the Welsh language, customers and visitors can expect an initial meet and greet and some basic business to be conducted through the medium of Welsh.  To this end, the Council is working with the University of South Wales to develop a programme of Business Welsh to be delivered to all employees whose roles require a public interface.  The Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development informed the Committee that she would ensure the use of the Welsh language is publicised in the Customer Contact Centre.  The Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development also stated that CMB had been briefed on the Welsh Language Standards and that a copy of this briefing be sent to the Committee. 


The Committee considered that some confusion can arise with bilingual street signs.  The Cabinet Member Communities commented that the Council is working with the Welsh Language Board on bilingual signs for all streets in order to assist the emergency services. 

RESOLVED:               That the Committee noted the report. 





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